Select a hymnal, Mass Setting or other resource below for sheet music and sample recordings.
**Note: these copyrighted materials are only available to members**
For many years, the bulk of our Parish repertoire came from GIA's Gather Comprehensive (1994) and OCP's Spirit & Song I (1999). The latter was originally introduced by the late Deacon Bob Killoren and his youth ensemble t4C.
In November, 2016, a Sanctuary roof leak damaged some of our aging Gather hymnals, and the decision was made to replace them with the then-latest release, Gather, Third Edition (2011). Although out-of-print and succeeded by newer editions, Spirit & Song remains in use with no plans for replacement.
Gather selections are sung by all three groups, while the more contemporary music from Spirit & Song is primarily used at the Saturday Mass. As a general rule, an effort is made to balance the music selections for each week between these two books. This allows for a greater variety of music and an opportunity to experiment with different styles.
In addition to these songbooks, we routinely sing pieces that were written/arranged by Deacon Bob, various Mass Settings and other special selections. The resources above are updated regularly as new material becomes available.
In an ongoing effort to build a library of our music, since 2014, most Masses and rehearsals have been recorded. These recordings are edited and shared to serve as reference material. As our library grows, older recordings may be taken down and archived in favor of newer, better-quality or more accurate versions.
Recordings may also come from the official Spirit & Song CD, the t4C: Whom Do You Seek? CD (2002), the Music for the Spirit: The Good Shepherd Musicians CD (2010), or YouTube. Note that some YouTube samples are official GIA recordings for Gather, Third Edition.
In addition to these songbooks, we routinely sing pieces that were written/arranged by Deacon Bob, various Mass Settings and other special selections. The resources above are updated regularly as new material becomes available.

Recordings may also come from the official Spirit & Song CD, the t4C: Whom Do You Seek? CD (2002), the Music for the Spirit: The Good Shepherd Musicians CD (2010), or YouTube. Note that some YouTube samples are official GIA recordings for Gather, Third Edition.