Songs & Updates for Saturday, February 8, 2025 [updated]


Choir activities are canceled tonight. We were discussing in the group chat, and the consensus was we don't want to get caught in an ice storm. I hate to waste a perfectly-good program, but that's winter for you! Father's aware and good with this. 

Stay safe, and let's regroup next week!

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thanks to everyone who came out last week! At our Potluck, Father passed along his appreciation for all that we do. He said many people enjoy the more contemporary music we offer, so nicely done! And you all make great food too :-). 

Here's the audio. As a side note, I tried moving the recorder back a bit to create a (somewhat) more balanced recording; we'll have to see how this sounds when everyone's here, though. 

If interested, here's the Music Ministry report that was submitted to the Prayer & Worship Committee for this week's Pastoral Council meeting. January was definitely a quieter month than December!

Stay tuned for an email this week about setting up a group chat. Since ol' Punxsutawney Phil says we have six more weeks of Winter, it would be good to have this as an option :-). 

UPDATE: 02/07: Thanks for all of the quick responses yesterday! Our group chat is now up and working. Please keep an eye on messages for any changes due to Saturday weather. 

In the coming months, we'll have some RCIA Dismissals on Saturdays. These are being 'shared' among the Masses, so please check the calendar (or music plans) for when they'll take place. After the Homily, we'll sing the refrain from Thy Word is a Lamp twice as the candidates process out. 

Looking ahead, Masses for Ash Wednesday will be celebrated on March 5th @ 9 8:30 AM & 7 PM. Bev & Barb P. have the morning Mass, while Joanne has the evening Mass (cantor TBD). The music will be posted/added to the calendar once it's available. 

Speaking of Lent, could we please meet at 3:30 PM on Saturday, March 1st & Saturday, March 8th? That'll give us some time to review music for the season (especially Mass Parts and other pieces we don't do often). The March plan is mostly drafted and should (hopefully!) be posted soon. 

I think that's it; stay safe and have a great week!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: None (?) Jake (tentative), Joe, Maureen (sick)

SS #137 (GC3 #790) - The Summons (vs 1-2) (Fisher)
Materials (**links removed**))

**We'll use the written arrangement, including the interlude between verses. Also, please be careful about not rushing the tempo!**

(Glory to God)

Responsorial Ps (Cris):
SS #088 - Ps 138 - Lord, Your Love is Everlasting (Marcor) [NEW] 
Materials (**links removed**))

**Please take a look before Saturday! As is stands, I'm planning to follow the written arrangement, but use an English translation of verse 2 (something like what's below). If verse 2 ends up being problematic, we could also skip it and tweak the arrangement accordingly.**

"Thank you, Lord, I give you for your goodness and your truth. When I implore you, you always listen to me, and you have given me strength and courage."**

Acclamation (Lisa):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)

RCIA Dismissal:
SS #211 - Thy Word is a Lamp (Ref x2) (Smith)
Materials (**links removed**))

GC3 #798 - Two Fishermen (Toolan)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Let's stick with the faster tempo that we've played with the last few times. Harmonies on the refrain would great too! We'll add a retard, fermata and slight pause between verses. I'm hoping to get through all four verses (but we'll see about the timing).**

(Mass Parts)

SS #138 - Voice of Christ (Smith)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Please make sure you're comfortable with the melody on the verses. Verses 1, 2 & 4 have the same melody, while verse 3 is different.**

SS #137 (GC3 #790) - The Summons (vs 3-5) (Fisher)

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