7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
I hope you all stayed safe last week! Canceling two Saturdays in a row is probably a new record -- what's with these snow/ice storms lately?! Hopefully that's the last time this season (for real!). Special thanks to Maureen for helping to lead the singing that night!
Good news -- I should be able to join you for Mass after all! I'll just be a bit over-dressed and won't be able to stick around afterward (we have a 6:30 PM report for a 7:30 PM concert). If you all wouldn't mind taking care of cleanup, that would be much appreciated!
Since we're down several singers this week, let's be prepared to have everyone on mics. That way, we can do as much as possible with parts, etc..
Looking ahead, we have one special piece for next Saturday, March 1st -- GC3 #755 - Bambelela / Never Give Up. We've done this a couple of times before, but please look it over if unfamiliar! This is a capella with an Ostinato Refrain. We'll start with the South African text, before switching to the English later. If anyone would like give it a try, you all have first dibs on the leader part :-).
Next Saturday is also the final weekend of Ordinary Time. The Lent season kicks off with Ash Wednesday on March 5th. Music for the 8:30 AM (Barb P. & Bev) & 7:00 PM (Joanne) Ash Wednesday Masses has been posted to the website. Please join us!
We'll meet at 3:30 PM on March 1st & 8th to prep Lent music. There's a lot to cover, so please let me know if you're not able to make it! A few things we'll definitely look at:
- Mass of Remembrance:
- SS #006 - Praise and Honor:
- Verses are Sunday-specific and (mostly) all different -- see the music plan!
Stay tuned for April music. Most of the regular Masses have been drafted, but I still need to do some checking on Holy Week, First Communion and the Parish Mission. The dates for these are on the calendar if you need them.
Finally, we'll need to sort out the rest of the rehearsal schedule too. Depending on what works for everyone, we may want to look at a mix of early Saturdays & stand-alone rehearsals. Once we get into special pieces (especially for Good Friday), having everyone available would be best!
Be well, and have a great week!
(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)
Out: Ben, Maureen, Ginny, Joe
GC3 #839 - As We Gather at Your Table (Daw)
**We'll sing all three verses, adding a retard and slight pause at the end of each verse.**
(Glory to God)
Responsorial Ps (Jake):
SS #077 - Ps 103 - The Lord is Kind and Merciful (Modlin)
**If anyone's interested, there's a harmony/echo on the refrain that we could try to include (with upper and lower part); if not, no worries!**
Acclamation (Frank):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)
SS #122 - In This Place (Thomson)
**Since this is a bit long, we'll probably sing two verses only. Harmonies would be nice!**
(Mass Parts)
SS #111 (GC3 #837) - Gather Your People (Hurd)
**The GC version has a full set of parts if anyone would like to give these a try.**
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [once/month; if needed]
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [once/month; if needed]
GC3 #835 - They’ll Know We Are Christians (Scholtes)
**Let's plan to sing all four verses -- these will go by pretty quickly at an upbeat tempo.**
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