Songs & Updates for Saturday, February 15, 2025 [updated]


What's with these snow/ice storms?! For the second week in a row, I'm canceling Music Ministry activities tonight. The forecasts say conditions are going to deteriorate pretty quickly; Father Jozef also proactively called this morning to say he was fine with this.

Also, since I'm out next week for a concert, let's sort out the plan/details via email. Stay safe!

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Image Credit:

I hope everyone stayed safe last week! I hated to cancel and waste a perfectly-good program, but avoiding the ice storm was definitely the right call. Hopefully it's our only cancelation this season! 

Thanks for all of the quick responses on setting up our group chat! It really made coordinating things last Saturday much easier and faster! Feel free to use this for more time-sensitive matters. And if anyone else would like to be added, let me know. 

A reminder that I'm likely out next Saturday, Feb. 22nd, for an SCCS concert. If we could take some time to review the plan this Saturday, that would be great. Also, if anyone would like to serve as lead singer / group leader with Bev, that would be wonderful as well!

A final draft of our March music is ready (April is in the works too :-). I may tweak some things, but just sharing for planning purposes. Like last time, links for new or less-familiar songs are embedded (we'll review these the first two weekends in March). Give me a shout if you have any questions.

A couple of quick updates on the Parish Mission (April 26-30th). The planning team will be meeting again on Feb. 24th. One agenda item will probably be music for the 6:00-7:30 PM sessions on April 28-30th (now added to the calendar). Once we have a better idea of what those will look like, we'll also need to sort out coverage. More to come!

Finally, please keep an eye on email, Facebook & text for any changes this week -- it looks like they're once again calling for weather Saturday (grrr...). If we do need to make a call, I'll try to do it by early afternoon at the latest.

Be well, and if I don't see you, have a lovely Valentine's Day weekend!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: Karen, Ben, Lisa, Barry (sick)

SS #107 - Lead Me, Lord (Becker)
Materials (**links removed**))

**The focus of this week's Readings is on the Beatitudes, so let's plan to sing all three verses.**

(Glory to God)

Responsorial Ps (Frank):
SS #068 (GC3 #057) - Ps 63 - My Soul is Thirsting (Angrisano)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Including the descant on this would be lovely; we'll skip the interlude before verse 3.**

Acclamation (Ben TBD):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)

GC3 #592 - We Are the Light World (Greif)
Materials (**links removed**))

**At an upbeat tempo, we'll probably get through about four verses for Offertory.**

(Mass Parts)

SS #157 - Bread for the World (Farrell)
Materials (**links removed**))

GC3 #686 - Blest Be the Lord (Schutte)
Materials (**links removed**))

**If we could have one or two people on the descant/harmony, that would be great!**

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