Songs & Updates for Saturday, January 25, 2025

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Image Credit: Agustinos Recoletos

Thanks for a great piano Mass last week! The harmonies sounded lovely, and there didn't seem to be any more balance issues. I'll also try to program We Are One again in February so we have a chance to work on it more. Check out the audio here.

The spare gear in the Agape Hall closet has been cleaned up (thanks, Joe!). Joe is going to hold onto the music stands for now, while some of the smaller items have been relocated to the Choir area. The two condenser mics are behind the drums for the time being -- both work, so we'll put one back into service for instrumentalist use. Jim M. moved the remaining equipment to another storeroom. 

On a related note, we should probably take some time to reorganize the Choir cabinet again (or at least, our part of it!). Maybe a few of us could meet early some Saturday to work on this? 

We started talking about setting up a group chat. If there are no objections/concerns, I'd be happy to create the group (regular text) and add anyone who wants to be in it (no pressure!). With the way winter is going, we'll probably need this at some point! Of course, email/Facebook isn't going anywhere -- this is in addition to those channels and mostly for time-sensitive matters only :-). 

You may have seen the bundle of thank you cards that was in our mailbox last week. These came from Amy (our Director of Faith Formation), the catechists and kids involved with the Christmas Pageant. If you didn't have a chance to take a look, I'll try to put them out again on Saturday.

The 2025 Mass Settings rotation has been posted to the website! The schedule is mostly the same as last year, except we opted not to repeat Storrington Mass (which wasn't particularly popular). We may revisit it down the line, though, and/or look at other new Settings. For Lent, we'll also be introducing 'We Proclaim Your Death' from Mass of Remembrance, which we haven't used before.

It's hard to believe that it's almost the end of January! I'm working on music for February. If you haven't already, please let me know of any Saturdays you're out so that we can plan accordingly. 

Stay warm and safe this week!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: Ginny

SS #126 (GC3 #624) - Lift Up Your Hearts (O'Connor)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Likely two verses only (from the 'Lift Up Your Hearts' section, not 'Behold the Glory of God'). Including the descant would nice!**

(Glory to God)

Responsorial Ps (Ginny TBD):
SS #056 - Ps 19 - Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell)
Materials (**links removed**))

**If interested, we do have separate voice parts for this in the folder. I believe we'd added the tenor and alto lines in the past.**

Acclamation (Lisa):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)

GC3 #718 - I Have Been Anointed (Warner)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Please make sure you're comfortable with at least melody! Adding the harmonies would be lovely too. Ideally, I'd like to do this with percussion-only accompaniment, plus any c-instrument parts. We'll sing the refrain 2-3 times, followed by the verse and one final refrain.**

(Mass Parts)

GC3 #932 (SS #161) - One Bread, One Body (Foley)
Materials (**links removed**))

Song of Farewell (Schutte) [once/month; if needed]

SS #113 (GC3 #775) - Go Make a Difference (Angrisano/Tomaszek)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Let's plan to do all three verses. We can add clapping on the final refrain if everyone's up for it :-). Also, please watch the final ending -- we'll add the usual fermata & retard.** 

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