Epiphany of the Lord
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Image Credit: Upside-Down Savior |
Happy New Year!
We had a smaller group for our last Mass of 2024, but the program came together pretty well. Thanks to everyone who came out, and for another awesome year of music-making! Here's the audio.
Our music & cantor schedule for January is ready! We have one new song on January 18th, which I'm 'borrowing' from the Sunday folks. We'll definitely take a look at it before then :-).
A reminder that Masses for the Solemnity of Mary are this Tuesday, 12/31 @ 7 PM & Wednesday, 01/01 @ 10:30 AM. We don't have piano coverage for Tuesday, so Barb P. will help Father lead the singing a capella (like is done for Daily Mass); Bev & I will cover the Wednesday Mass. Please join us if you're able! The music is in the January plan above.
Speaking of special liturgies, Joanne & I are discussing adding a new page to the Music Ministry website for Holy Days/Special Feasts. We've had some folks mention that it can be difficult to find the music plans for these liturgies, as they don't know which group's page to look under. Since these are often 'shared' Masses, having a dedicated page might make more sense. More to come!
On a similar note, the 'Celebrations, Feasts & Holidays' doc for 2025 has been posted to the Calendar page. This lists the dates for holidays & feasts celebrated throughout the year, including regular Sundays & Holy Days. Of course, dates/times for special Masses will be shared as they become available. Hopefully this is helpful for your planning!
I'm also working on updating the group calendar with music, feast days, rehearsals, etc. for 2025. Hopefully this is helpful for planning too!
Father made a change to how we're handling announcements and the Commendation Song for parishioners/family members who have passed. This will now be done as needed on the last weekend of each month, rather than every Saturday/Sunday. Therefore, the next time we'll sing the Commendation Song will be January 25th. The music plan has been updated accordingly.
Finally, for those who are newish members, Bev shared a reminder that everyone's more than welcome to bring spouses, significant others, friends/family, etc. to our Potluck on February 1st. Just don't forget to RSVP with the right number of people so that we can plan accordingly :-).
UPDATE: 01/04: I hope you're staying warm and safe! For tonight, Bev isn't feeling well and won't be able to join us. Given the weather, I'll also make a call on whether we need to cancel choir activities by early/mid-afternoon (at the latest!). It looks like the snow is mostly done (at least for today), but some roads are still a snowy/icy mess. Gotta love winter... Thank you!
That's all for now. See you Saturday!
(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)
Out: Jake, Ginny (tentative)
GC3 #464 - Lord, Today (vs 1-2) (Balhoff)
**This will be split for Entrance & Closing. Including any of the lower harmonies on the refrain would be lovely!**
(Glory to God)
Responsorial Ps (Lisa):
SS #070 - Ps 72 - Lord, Every Nation (Manibusan)
Acclamation (Cris):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)
GC3 #462 - Epiphany Carol (O'Brien)
**We don't do this often, so please make sure you're comfortable with at least melody (the tune is BEACH SPRING). We'll likely include a brief interlude between verses.**
(Mass Parts)
GC3 #436 - Wood of the Cradle (O'Brien)
**This is another tune that we've only done a few times before, so please take a look! There are some nice harmonies on the refrain if anyone's interested.**
GC3 #464 - Lord, Today (vs 3-5) (Balhoff)
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