Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 7, 2024

2nd Sunday of Advent

Thanks for coming early last week and for a solid start to the Advent season! There was quite a bit to cover, but things are shaping up pretty well overall! Here's the audio

A reminder that due to a concert, I'm likely out this week. If I'm able to make it to the Church by 4:30ish, I may join you; otherwise, Bev's in charge (thanks, Bev!). 

Father asked that we announce/start singing the Communion song as soon as the Lamb of God is over; there's no need to wait for the ministers to receive/take their places. Please do that this week. 

Speaking of Communion, a couple of us were discussing logistics. Since we have a smaller core group then in the past, starting the Communion song while also going up to receive at the same time can be a bit messy. Would there be any interest in waiting to receive until after Mass? Just a thought!

A spiral-bound copy of SS (assembly/guitar edition) was left in the Church's mailbox over the weekend. This is great to have and brings us up to four spiral copies. Thanks to the anonymous donor!

Looking ahead, Masses for Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on Monday, 12/09 @ 9 AM & 7 PM . Bev & Barb P. are covering the morning Mass, while Joanne & I have the evening Mass. The music selections are up on the 8:30 & 10:30 pages of the website. Please join us!

Don't forget that the Christmas Pageant is still on for Saturday, 12/14 @ 2 PM in Agape Hall. The dress rehearsal is planed for Sunday, 12/08 @ 9:00 AM in The Warehouse. As it stands, Lisa, Ginny, Jake, Barry, Joe & I are onboard (anyone else?). I'm still working on an accompanist. More to come!

I've been sorting out Christmas Masses with Joanne. We're still tweaking some things with the music plan for the 6:00, so you may see some changes to what was shared last week. Of note:
  • We may add some more 'contemplative' preludes that the Sunday folks typically do.
  • Also, for Joseph's Song, I'm working on an updated score that corrects some issues in last year's transcription. I'll share once it's ready.
  • The Psalm was switched from Ps 98 ('All the Ends of the Earth') to Ps 89 ('For Ever I Will Sing'). This matches the Christmas Vigil readings, rather than Christmas Day (my bad!). 
  • Joanne is looking at the music for Alleluia! Give the Glory; if this ends up being an issue for her or the cantor (possibly Violet), we may revert to the regular Joy & Peace one instead.

Finally, Bev sent a poll to pick a date for our Winter Potluck. Please let her know what works, and we can go from there. Thanks to everyone who's responded already!

Stay warm, and have a great week!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: Cris (tentative), Lisa (tentative), Frank, Maureen

SS #121 - In the Day of the Lord (vs 1, 4 & 6) (Ridge)
Materials (**links removed**)

Candle Lighting:
GC3 #406 - Wait for the Lord (Berthier)
Materials (**links removed**)

**We'll sing the refrain only twice during the candle-lighting. Bev will give you the opening chord.**

Penitential Rite (Ginny):
Mass of Joy & Peace (Alonso)
Materials (**links removed**)

**The cantor will sing the 'Presider or Cantor' part, while everyone else will sing the 'Assembly' part. Father will either speak over the last two instrumental bars ("May almighty God have mercy on us..."), or wait until after those two bars (he accidently spoke before the Penitential last week).**

(no Gloria)

Responsorial Ps (Jake):
SS #071 - Ps 85 - Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness (Hillebrand)
Materials (**links removed**)

Acclamation (Frank TBD):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 5) (Canedo)

GC3 #596 - Praise to You, O Christ, Our Savior (Farrell)
Materials (**links removed**)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Joy & Peace (Alonso)
Materials (**links removed**)

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace ('When We Eat This Bread') (Alonso)
Materials (**links removed**)

Mass of Joy & Peace (Alonso)
Materials (**links removed**)

Lamb of God:
Mass of Joy & Peace (Alonso)
Materials (**links removed**)

GC3 #415 - My Soul in Stillness Waits (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**)

**Please be careful about not rushing the tempo! The refrain can be a bit 'relaxed', while the verses are a tad faster. There can be a slight pause after the fermata on 'waits'.**

Song of Farewell (Schutte)

**There will be a Commendation Song this week; please be ready to sing this after the announcement at the end of Mass.**

GC3 #761 - God Has Chosen Me (Farrelll)
Materials (**links removed**)

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