Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 21, 2024 [updated]

4th Sunday of Advent
Image Credit: Sermons of Logos

Thanks to all who were able to help with Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Pageant and Saturday Mass last week! It was definitely our busiest week of the season! Everything came together quite well, and there have been many positive comments on the music.

Here's the audio for the Pageant & Saturday Mass. The OLG Celebration was also livestreamed

Welcome to the final week of AdventIs anyone not able to be at Mass? The reason I ask is I have a little something for each of you :-). If you're out, no worries -- we can catch up some other time. 

Just a quick heads up that one of our music stands is out-of-commission (it won't stay up). Joe's taking a look (thanks, Joe!). In the meantime, we have spares in the Agape Hall store room if needed.

For those here for Christmas, let's meet at 3:30 on Saturday to go over some of the more critical music:
  • 4:00 PM Children's Mass:

Here's (what should be!) the final 6:00 program. If anything else changes in the next week, I'll be in touch :-). A few logistical notes:
  • For preludes, Joanne didn't have a chance to prep the accompaniments for Arise! Shine and I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, so we replaced these with Masters in This Hall and Gaudete (a capella pieces from last year). Jake, Lisa and I will sing these. 
  • The remaining preludes (below) are pieces the Sunday folks typically do. These will be a mix of large-group and solo pieces. Please don't feel obligated to spend a bunch of time on these! At this stage, I'd rather we focus on our two preludes and regular Mass music instead. I'll try to get you copies of anything that's not in the book, though; stay tuned!
  • Cantors will be needed for the Psalm, Acclamation and Night of Silence / Silent Night. Let me know if you'd be interested! My thought is to ask if the Sunday folks would like to handle the Psalm, while we do the Acclamation & Communion. But I'm flexible!
  • The rest of the music should be familiar. Please make sure you're good with the parts -- it would be wonderful to split these out as much as possible.
  • As for a large-group rehearsal, I'm seeing if we can do something the evening of Monday, 12/23. If not, we'll find some time on our own to make sure things are in good shape. 
  • On Christmas Eve, please be there by 3:15 PM for the Children's Mass & 5:15 PM 5:00 PM for the adult Mass. That'll give us time to prep for preludes, which start 15-20 min. before Mass.

UPDATE: 12/20: An email went out with some tweaks to all of this; we reduced the number of preludes and sorted out cantors. There will be no large group rehearsal, just soloist rehearsals. We'll sort out what we need to this Saturday and the hour before Christmas Mass. More to come this weekend!

Looking ahead, Masses for the Solemnity of Mary (New Year's Eve/Day) will be celebrated on Dec. 31st @ 7 PM & Jan. 1st @ 9 AM. Stay tuned for details.

Finally, thanks to everyone who responded to Bev's poll about our next Quarterly Potluck! This is now planned for Feb. 1st after Mass. Here's the food signup. More to come closer to that date.

I think that's it (for now!). Have a great week!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: None (?)

GC3 #398 - Prepare! Prepare! (Pishner)
Materials (**links removed**))

**We'll use the same arrangement as earlier this season; if anyone would like to cantor verse(s), let me know! I'm happy to do it, but you all have first dibs :-).**

Candle Lighting:
GC3 #406 - Wait for the Lord (Ref x2) (Berthier)
Materials (**links removed**))

Penitential Rite (Ben):
Mass of Joy & Peace

(No Gloria)

Responsorial Ps (Cris):
GC3 #062 - Ps 85 - Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**))

**There are some lovely parts on this. If anyone would like to join me, that would be great. If not, no worries -- we can just do it melody-only.**

Acclamation (Lisa):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 5) (Canedo)

GC3 #414 - The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns (Brownlie)
Materials (**links removed**))

**This one goes by pretty quickly, so we may need to repeat verses or add an instrumental. There's also a nice descant if anyone's interested!**

(Mass Parts)

GC3 #415 - My Soul in Stillness Waits (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Let's be careful about not rushing the tempo, and staying together on the fermata. If you're able, feel free to harmonize on the refrain (there's nothing written).**

Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]

GC3 #865 - Soon and Very Soon (Crouch)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Note that verses 1 & 2 will be sung back-to-back; the bridge will be sung after verses 3 & 4 only.**

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