Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 14, 2024

3rd Sunday of Advent

A huge thanks to all who were able to sing/play last Saturday! I'm told there were a few minor hiccups, but everything flowed pretty well. I'm not expecting to be out again until late-February :-). 

Don't forget that the Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration is this Thursday, 12/12, at 4:30 PM. A separate email went out with details, but rehearsal will be at 4:40 PM in the Chapel. Mass will be at 5:30 PM, with Bishop Mark presiding. The Mariachis will be providing much of the music. This is a big event, with many ministries/outside groups participating, so please join us if you're able!

Thanks to everyone who came out for the Pageant rehearsal last Sunday! Things were slightly chaotic, but hopefully that gave you an idea of how things will flow. A few updates:
  • This Saturday (12/14), we'll meet at 1:30 PM in Agape Hall. We'll set up/test mics, run music & sort out logistics. The program itself will start at 2:30 (not 2:00 -- Amy pushed it back)
  • Please bring your black binders with copies of the music & program. I'll try to have some extras too. We can borrow books, stands and anything else we need from the Sanctuary; the keyboard has already been moved over from the Chapel (thanks Joe & Jake!). 
  • Joe is handling sound (thanks, Joe!); we'll have at least three vocal mics to share.
  • Since Bev is tied up with another event, Virginia has agreed to play piano (thank you!).
  • We decided on soprano/tenor splits. But if you're able to include other parts, please do!

Something else to keep in mind: there's a Nittany Valley Symphony concert in the Sanctuary from 1-3 PM. Please anticipate more activity in/around the bldg. than usual! This will also overlap the tree-lighting after the Pageant (the organizers are aware). 

It sounds like you guys discussed Communion logistics last week. I'm told the consensus was to stick with instrumentals like we've done before? If that's the case, we can make that our 'default' moving forward (unless, of course, the timing or music would work better with a cantor starting things). 

Looking ahead to Christmas Eve, Joanne and I had a chance to discuss logistics last Sunday. It's too much to cover here, so I'll also put out a separate email later. Thanks for your patience & flexibility -- with the shared Masses/mixed groups this year, things have been messier than usual!

Enjoy the warmer weather, and have a great week!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: Maureen

GC3 #423 - Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**))

**Please take a look if unfamiliar! On verse 1, we'll sing "...soon He is born..." for Advent, rather than " He is born...." for Christmas.**

Candle Lighting:
GC3 #406 - Wait for the Lord (Ref x2) (Berthier)
Materials (**links removed**)

Penitential Rite (Cris):
Mass of Joy & Peace

(no Gloria)

Responsorial Ps (Lisa):
GC3 #097 - Isaiah 12: With Joy You Shall Draw Water (Ref II) (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**)

**Please make sure you're familiar with at least melody. Parts would be lovely (as always!), but since we rarely sing this, I'm not overly concerned with including them.**

Acclamation (Jake):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 5) (Canedo)

GC3 #422 - Gift of God (Advent Ref & Verses) (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**)

**Please listen through this to make sure you know how it's structured! The Advent verses will be sung the exact same way as the Christmas ones; the book just doesn't have everything written out. Parts would be great (especially on the refrain; I'm not too concerned with the 'ooo's on the verses).**

(Mass Parts)

SS #109 - Find Us Ready (Booth)
Materials (**links removed**)

**We get another shot at this! If interested, there's additional sheet music with parts in the folder. Let's begin with an instrumental this time; once everyone's back, we can start singing.**

Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]

GC3 #409 - People Look East (Farjeon)
Materials (**links removed**)

**Let's be careful about keeping the tempo up; otherwise, this can drag. In the past, we've started the first verse unison & a capella, only adding accompaniment & parts near the end. We added a brief interlude too. If we do this, we'd need at least soprano, alto & tenor to cover the staggered entrances.**

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