33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Image Credit: Biblia by Logos |
Here's to another very strong Mass last week! Special thanks to Victoria for playing. Everything come together pretty nicely and the harmonies sounded great! Here's the audio.
A huge thanks to Paul & Joe for all of their work on the sound system! The new amplifier hardware is installed and working. Paul is making some adjustments to equalization, etc. (the levels were a bit lower than before), but we didn't really run into any big problems last week.
Christmas planning is coming along! Here's where things stand so far:
- Christmas Eve: 4:00 PM (Children's Mass): Joanne is organizing along with Amy; I'll be conducting the children's pieces. Lisa & Ginny also agreed to cantor the Psalm & Acclamation (thank you both!). Rehearsals will kick off in December (Sundays after the 10:30 Mass).
- Christmas Eve: 600 PM: I'm organizing this liturgy, with Joanne on piano. This will be a combined choirs Mass, so I'd love to build a large, mixed ensemble! We already have about ten singers & instrumentalists signed up so far. Music is in the works and stay tuned for an updated rehearsal schedule!
- Christmas Day: 10:00 AM: Bev is playing, with Barb H. cantoring (Barb P. is unavailable this year). Stay tuned for music & details.
Also, a reminder to please let me know whether you're able to help with the Christmas Pageant on Dec. 14th from 2-4 PM. I believe Ginny & Jake are onboard so far. We'll need accompaniment and at least two more singers. I also extended the invite to the Sunday folks. If you could RSVP by the end of this week as well, that would be great!
Let's welcome back Virginia on piano! She'll be covering for Bev this week. The two of us are meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) to look at the music. Bev will be back next weekend, Nov. 23rd.
UPDATE: 11/15: Change in plans: we'll actually be meeting at 3 PM on Saturday.
Finally, Good Shepherd will host a Parish Mission featuring Fr. Steven Bell on April 26-30, 2025 (the week after Easter). Among other things, Fr. Steve will (co-)celebrate weekend & daily Masses, including 1st Communion on Saturday, April 26th. We'll be meeting with him in December to work out details, but please mark your calendars. It would be great to have full ensembles for these liturgies!
I think that's it. See you Saturday!
(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Storrington Mass, including Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)
Out: Luca, Bev, Maureen, Ben (tentative)
GC3 #864 - The Trumpet in the Morning (vs 1-3) (Cooney)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Please take a look if unfamiliar; we've only done this a handful of times before. We'll sing the first three verses for Gathering, and the last three for Closing. Including the descant would be nice :-)**
(Glory to God)
Responsorial Ps (Cris):
SS #053 - Ps 16 - Keep Me Safe, O God (Manibusan)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Please also take a look at this one if unfamiliar; we've only done it twice before**
Acclamation (Frank):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)
SS #121 - In the Day of the Lord (Ridge)
Materials (**links removed**)
**It's been a while since we've pulled this out! Let's try to include the harmony on the verse. We'll likely sing 3-4 verses, depending on timing.**
(Mass Parts)
SS #166 - Worthy is the Lamb (Manalo)
Materials (**links removed**)
**It might be best to have someone start the singing while the rest of us go up to receive. We can repeat verses as needed. The descant would be great on this too!**
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
GC3 #864 - The Trumpet in the Morning (vs 4-6) (Cooney)
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