Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
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Image Source: Sermon Central |
Thanks for a strong end to the Lenten season last week! The program came together nicely and the harmonies sounded great! Here's the audio.
Last Saturday, Vince spoke about Stewardship & Hospitality needs. As a heads up, others will give similar testimonials in the coming weeks (likely including myself). This is part of a new, long-term Stewardship Campaign that will combine 'asks' for Time, Talent and Treasure. Hopefully this will help with recruiting for ministries across the Parish (including Music!).
Thanks to Joe for fixing our broken music stand! The hand screw has been replaced, so it should stay up now. One other stand may need the same fix at some point, but all five are working for now.
This weekend marks the beginning of Holy Week! The selections & cantor schedule for all liturgies should now be finalized. Note that we'll have songsheets throughout Holy Week (including this Saturday), so no need to worry about the hymn boards :-).
A reminder that we'll meet at 3:30 on Saturday to continue working on special music. We'll focus on Easter Sunday this time:
Ideally, it would be great to include harmonies on these pieces; if that doesn't work, though, melody-only (or perhaps a two-part split) is fine!
For this weekend, the flow of Mass will be slightly different (see below). The Procession of Palms will replace the Gathering Song; there's no Penitential Rite and we'll sing verses of Were You There? as the Gospel Acclamation (before, during & after reading The Passion). Everything else is normal.
UPDATE: 03/30: March 28th is Fr. Jozef's birthday! We'll sing Happy Birthday to him before the Closing song.
If you haven't already, please let me know whether meeting on 03/30 @ 10 AM works for our Easter Sunday 'dress rehearsal'. I'd like to get a rehearsal on the board ASAP.
Looking ahead, we'll celebrate 1st Communion as part of 5 PM Mass on 04/27. In the past, this has been a separate liturgy; this year, Fr. Jozef would like it done at a regular Mass so all can participate. April 27/28 will also be our first Stewardship Weekend (details TBA). Please mark your calendars!
I think that's it. Stay warm and see you Saturday!
(All Mass Parts, except the Lenten Acclamation, are from Mass of Remembrance, including the Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'C' (Save Us, Savior), Doxology & Lamb of God)
Out: Luca, Lisa
(no Gathering Song)
Procession of Palms:
GC3 #572 - The King of Glory (Jabusch)
Materials (audio & sheet music)
**Sung after the Procession Gospel at the very beginning of Mass; Refrain sung softly; verses louder**
(no Penitential Rite or Gloria)
Responsorial Ps (Jake):
SS #058 - Ps 22 - My God, My God (Smith)
Materials (**links removed**)
Acclamation (All):
GC3 #511 - Were You There? (vs 1, 2 & 5) (Spiritual)
Materials (**links removed**)
**A capella -- sung before, during and after the reading of The Passion; note that for 'verse two', we'll sing "....bowed His head and died..." (as written in the program), not "...nailed Him to the tree..." (as in the book). The other two verses match what's in the book.**
GC3 #491 - Jesus, the Lord (O'Connor)
Materials (**links removed**)
SS #172 - Behold the Cross (Hurd)
Materials (**links removed**)
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
SS #100 - At the Name of Jesus (Walker)
Materials (**links removed**)
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