Holy Week 2024
Thanks for a strong start to Holy Week! The harmonies on Were You There sounded great and Jesus, the Lord came together pretty nicely (even with all the timing challenges :-). Here's the audio.
Holy Week continues! The music plans for Good Friday & Easter Sunday are below. Please do consider coming out for Holy Thursday and/or Vigil too if you're able -- these are both lovely liturgies and additional musicians are always welcome! Joanne sent updates on those programs earlier today.
Apologies for this messy post, but just wanted to put out as many of the details now as possible :-).
If I don't see you, have a happy, safe, blessed Easter!
Good Friday (2:00 PM):
Available: Barb P., Ben, Bev, Cris, Frank, Ginny, Jake, Jeff, Lisa, Luca, Melissa
Out: Joe
On Friday, please be ready to rehearse right at 1:00 PM. That way, we have time to run the entire program (especially a capella pieces -- we'll spend some extra time on these). Since some Sunday folks will be joining us, please be prepared to share mics & fill them in on the details.
Also, red is the liturgical color for Good Friday -- if you're able to wear something red, it would be great to all match. If not, no worries.
It goes without saying that Good Friday is a somber liturgy. Because of this, I'm going to make an effort to keep my conducting & cues 'small'. I'll still try to be as clear as possible, but please watch!
Old GC #419 - Calvary (Spiritual)
**A capella - sing refrain on 'Ooo' first time; repeat refrain with lyrics; sing verses back-to-back w/ cantors (everyone else sings 'Ooo' under verses); after final verse, sing refrain & repeat on 'Ooo'.**
Opening Rite:
In Silence
(no Penitential or Gloria)
Responsorial Ps (Cris):
SS #058 - Ps 22 - My God, My God (Smith)
Materials (**links removed**)
Acclamation (All):
GC3 #511 - Were You There? (vs 1, 2 & 5) (Spiritual)
Materials (**links removed**)
**A capella -- sung before, during and after the reading of The Passion; note that for 'verse two', we'll sing "....bowed His head and died..." (as written in the program), not "...nailed Him to the tree..." (as in the book). The other two verses match what's in the book.
Also, we'll need to make room for the Readers. Father mentioned the Reader mics weren't very loud last week -- it might be a good idea to turn up the levels slightly and/or ask them to get closer.**
(no Offertory)
Intercessions (Cris & Barb P.):
Good Friday Solemn Intercessions
Materials (**links removed**)
**A capella - Barb P. & Cris will cantor the ten Intercessions together; each will end with "Let us pray to the Lord."; all respond: "Lord, here our prayer.". Each will be followed by a spoken prayer.**
Solemn Procession:
GC3 #514 - Behold the Wood (Ref only; repeated x3) (Schutte)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Fr. Jozef will sing "Behold, behold the wood of the cross, on which is hung our salvation"; all kneel and respond "O come, let us adore." Format repeated three times as Cross is brought up the isle."
SS #172 - Behold the Cross (Hurd)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Would someone be willing to start singing this while everyone else goes up for the Veneration? That way there's time for both Veneration songs.**
GC3 #510 - Jesus, Remember Me (Berthier)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Piece will be slowly built up with different voice/instrument parts & combinations as we go; we'll continue repeating until all have Venerated.**
The Lord's Prayer:
Chanted (GC3 #184)
Materials (**links removed**)
(no Mass Parts)
Communion Rite:
GC3 #512 - O Sacred Head, Surrounded (Traditional)
Materials (**links removed**)
**A capella -- start melody-only; add harmonies on verse two; likely short for Communion; will repeat as needed and/or sing on 'Ooo'**
GC3 #746 - Adoramus Te Christe (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Sing Cannon on refrain using Parts 1 & 2 only; Part 1: Lisa, Ginny, Barb P., Melissa; Part 2: Ben, Jake, Frank, Jeff; refrain repeats each time; verses sung in unison.**
In Silence
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Easter Sunday (8:30 AM):
Available: Barb P., Bev, Cris, Frank, Ginny, Jake, Joe, Lisa
Out: Ben, Luca
A reminder that rehearsal for Easter Sunday will be on Saturday, March 30th @ 10:00 AM (the Sanctuary has been reserved from 9:30-noon).We'll run the entire program and sort out any logistics. Ginny isn't able to join us, so we'll fill her in on the details later.
On Easter Sunday, please be at the Church by 7:30 AM (sorry, I know that's early...). I'm planning to reset the choir space for us after Vigil, so hopefully it won't take long to get situated. We'll spot-check music as needed and start the prelude around 8:20-8:25 AM.
(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Remembrance, including the Gloria, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'C' (Save Us, Savior), Doxology & Lamb of God)
He is Risen (Manalo)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Please review! We can do this melody-only or (possibly) with a two-part split (I don't want to spread us too thin :-).**
SS #126 - Behold the Glory of God (vs 1-3) (O'Connor)
Materials (**links removed**)
**This is an alternate refrain/set of verses for Lift Up Your Hearts (same pg #); we may want to include a note about this in the announcement.**
Glory to God:
Mass of Remembrance (Haugen)
Mass of Remembrance (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Please review -- we haven't sung this Gloria in a while.**
Responsorial Ps (Cris):
SS #082 - Ps 118 - This is the Day (Fisher)
Materials (**links removed**)
Sequence (Barb P.):
GC3 #1065 - Easter Sunday ABC / Sequence
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**Barb P. will cantor a capella; this will be sung after the 2nd reading & before the Acclamation (which will immediately follow); we can announce it & invite the congregation to join us**
Acclamation (Jake):
SS #005 - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 6 or 7) (Canedo)
Materials (**links removed**)
Baptism Renewal:
We Believe (Walker)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Since the text for the Renewal has changed, we won't play under Father while he's speaking; instead, we'll just sing We Believe after each Baptismal Promise (no intro; straight into it).**
Sprinkling (Ginny; need 1 more):
GC3 #898 - Wade in the Water (Spiritual)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Cantor will sing the refrain alone the first time only; it'll then repeat w/ everyone; verses are sung in cantor/response format; between each verse, everyone will sing refrain.**
All Shall Be Well (Foley) / GC3 #525 - The Strife is O’er (Traditional)
Materials (audio & sheet music)
**Please review -- this can also be done melody-only or two-part if needed. Since it's a bit long, let's start as quickly as possible; we'll likely only sing a verse or two of The Strife is O'er at the end.**
(Mass Parts)
GC3 #535 - Resucitó (Arguello)
Materials (**links removed**)
Whom Do You Seek? (Killoren)
Materials (**links removed**)
**Let's be careful about tempo on the first & second halves of the verses (the second half tends to slow down). Also, the verses are pretty exposed; please try to be as strong as possible on these!**
GC3 #540 - Jesus Christ is Risen Today (Traditional)
Materials (**links removed**)
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