3rd Sunday of Lent / CDA Installation
"I am the vine; you are the branches." - John 15:5
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Image Credit: Sermons by Logos |
Thanks for a great small-group Mass last week! It was fun having everyone on mics again and the harmonies sounded nice! Check out the audio here.
Our March music and cantor schedule is ready to go! I'm not planning to make any big changes at this point, but it's possible we'll need to tweak some things later.
A reminder that we're meeting at 3 PM on Saturday. We'll work on Holy Week music such as Calvary, O Sacred Head, Surrounded and Adoramus Te Christe. Let me know if you can't make it!
UPDATE: 02/29: Could we meet at 3:30 rather than 3:00? It was suggested that 3:30 might work better for these Lent rehearsals (especially with everything going on this weekend.
The new Catholic Daughters Court is being installed during/after Mass this week. Mass will (mostly) be normal, with some Lent music replaced with Mary-themed selections. We'll likely have a number of visitors/guests in attendance, including CDA reps. If you're able, please take some time to make sure melodies & parts are in good shape! That way, we don't have to worry about this on Saturday.
UPDATE: 03/02: A copy of the CDA program for today went out via email.
For Tree of Life, we'll sing three 'general' verses, plus the Sunday-specific verse for the third week of Lent. During that last verse, Adoramus Te Christe can be sung as a descant if anyone's interested.
From the RCIA schedule, it looks like there will be another Dismissal after the Homily. Let's double-check before Mass, though. Like before, we'll sing the refrain only from Thy Word is a Lamp.
We typically sing Holy is His Name as a Psalm; this time, we'll do it as written, with the verse before the refrain. Let's skip the optional interlude after the refrain.
Since we have two Communion songs on the board, let's start As I Kneel Before You right away. If you weren't here last week, please take a look at this -- we'll use the alternate 'we' text. We're also still working out some issues with chords/accompaniment (stay tuned!).
After Mass, Bev (and possibly other instrumentalists) will play for the CDA Installation. The CDA requested instrumental music during their processions in/out of the Sanctuary. I believe (?) everyone's welcome to attend the ceremony/reception; otherwise, feel free to head out after Mass.
Looking ahead, Bev is out next Saturday, 03/09. Virginia has agreed to cover on piano.
That's all for now. Have a great week!
(All Mass Parts, except the Penitential Rite & Lenten Acclamation, are from Mass of Remembrance, including the Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'C' (Save Us, Savior), Doxology & Lamb of God)
Out: Luca
GC3 #475 - Tree of Life (vs 1-3 & Lent 3rd Sun verse) (Haugen)
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Penitential (Cris):
GC3 #494 - Hold Us in Your Mercy: Penitential Litany (Cooney)
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(no Gloria)
Responsorial Ps (Frank):
SS #056 - Ps 19 - Your Words are Spirit and Life (Farrell)
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Acclamation (Lisa):
SS #006 - Praise and Honor (3rd B, 4th B verse) (Hurd/Canedo)
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RCIA Dismissal:
SS #211 - Thy Word is a Lamp (Ref x2) (Smith)
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SS #095 - Holy is His Name (Canticle of Mary) (Talbot)
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As I Kneel Before You (Parkinson)
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GC3 #480 - Mercy, O God (O'Brien)
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Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
GC3 #879 - Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above (Traditional)
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CDA Installation (Bev/instrumentalists only):
GC3 #886 - Immaculate Mary (Foley)
GC3 #879 - Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above (Traditional)
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