6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Image Credit: https://slideplayer.com/slide/12915669/ |
Thanks for another great small group Mass last week! We had a couple of folks not feeling well, so we were gathered around the guitar mics again. Other than some minor issues with staying in sync, everything come together pretty well! Here's the audio.
Last week, a general plea for musicians went out via Flocknote, Facebook and the Bulletin. I may also make an announcement at the end of Mass this week. Please do keep your eyes & ears out for anyone who may be interested -- personal invites are still best!
A reminder that our second Lent rehearsal is this Saturday at 3 PM. Last week, Bev, Frank and I looked at Praise and Honor, Mercy, O God and Mass of Remembrance. We'll work on these again, perhaps touching on some other Lent music too. Getting a head start on these pieces will help make our first weekend of Lent less hectic, so please attend :-). We'll hold off on Holy Week & Easter music for now.
We talked about introducing warm-ups, but haven't done much with this yet. I think warm-ups would really help us be better prepared to sing. Could we give this a try on Saturday? If anyone's interested in taking point, let me know!
Welcome to our last weekend in Ordinary Time! This will be our final Saturday singing Mass of Joy & Peace and Alleluia! Give the Glory until late-March/April. Lent kicks off next week with Ash Wednesday on 02/14 @ 7 PM. Joanne's music is up on the 10:30 AM page. Please do come sing/play!
Finally, please review the harmonies & descants for this week's music (all should be familiar). Since we look to be pretty well-staffed, it would be nice to include parts. Also, make sure you're comfortable with rhythms on both I Am the Bread of Life and Blest be the Lord. I'm fine with taking some liberties as long as we're all singing them the same way :-).
I think that's it. Stay warm and have a great week!
(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including the Gloria, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'A' (We Proclaim Your Death), Doxology & Lamb of God)
Out: Luca
SS #126 (GC3 #624) - Lift Up Your Hearts (vs 1-3) (O'Connor)
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Responsorial Ps (Cris & Ginny):
SS #086 - Ps 130 - With the Lord (Thomson)
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Acclamation (Ben):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)
SS #122 - In This Place (Thomson)
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GC3 #945 - I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan)
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Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
GC3 #686 - Blest Be the Lord (Schutte)
Materials (**links removed**)
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