Season of Creation:
“Let Justice & Peace Flow”
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Image Credit: YouTube |
Thanks to all who came out last week! We had some less-familiar pieces on the board (like A Place at the Table & Where Two or Three are Gathered), but overall, things came together pretty well. If Today & Bread of Life were definitely highlights. Here's the audio.
Last week, Joe & I looked at the piano monitor (the Sunday folks reported that it still isn't working). We went through how it's wired and Joe has some ideas for what might be wrong. Hopefully, we'll have this sorted out in the next week or two. We don't use the monitor, but it's still good to have working.
Some of you may already have this, but I'll be sending an email shortly with my cell number. If you have a more time-sensitive matter (unexpected schedule changes, etc.), feel free to text me. Email or Facebook is still fine too (I monitor all of these :-); just wanted to put the option out there.
There is a Well is our Season of Creation piece for the week. We normally sing this for a Sprinkling Rite, but it should work fine for Gathering too. Including the harmony would be nice -- it's really just a straight echo, but we've added harmony/octives to this part before (like in the recording).
We haven't sung Where Charity and Love Prevail in a while. The accompaniment will be minimal, with just a chord for the intro. We'll also need to be careful about tempo (which will be variable) & staying together. There's nothing written for harmonies, but check out the recording for ideas :-).
Please take a look at Lead Us to Your Table. We've had some technical issues with this song before, especially with timing & entrances. Counting while singing (in either 2/2 or 4/4) will really help. We'll need to start this after returning from Communion. The recording should match what's in the book:
-Verse (sung twice)
-Verse (key change)
-Refrain (sung twice)
-Final ending
Finally, time-permitting, I'd like to get a jump-start on the new pieces for later this month -- Abundant Life (GC3 #811) & Let Justice Flow Like a River (GC3 #810). Let me know if you need materials.
UPDATE: 09/13: An email went out with some updates on Time & Talent. Please let me know if you're able to stick around after Mass that weekend (09/30). Thanks!
That should be it. Have a great week!
(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Creation, including the Gloria, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)
Out: Jake, Ken
SS #209 - There is a Well (Conry)
Materials (**links removed**)
Responsorial Ps (Jake Cris & Ginny):
GC3 #075 - Ps 103 - The Lord is Kind and Merciful (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**)
Acclamation (Frank):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)
GC3 #706 - Where Charity and Love Prevail (Westendorf)
Materials (**links removed**)
SS #155 - Lead Us to Your Table (Tomaszek/Agrisano)
Materials (**links removed**)
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]
GC3 #610 - Sing of the Lord’s Goodness (Sands)
Materials (**links removed**)
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