6th Sunday of Easter
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Image Credit: achristianpilgrim.wordpress.com/ |
Nicely done last week! Everything came together exceptionally well -- the harmonies especially sounded great on Though the Mountains May Fall and One Bread, One Body, and it was fun pulling out I Have Been Anointed again. Check out the audio here (**link removed**).
Fr. Jozef is introducing the 'May Crowning' to the Parish. The statue of Mary (from the Chapel) will be moved into the Sanctuary, and will remain there throughout May. As part of this weekend's Masses, Mary will be 'crowned' with flowers. Because of this, there won't be a Sprinkling Rite. I've also replaced Let Us Be Bread with Hail Mary: Gentle Woman for Communion.
Jesus, Your Spirit in Us is a tune we haven't done before. Please take a look. The refrain will be sung by everyone, with cantor(s) on the verses (any takers?). Ideally, the refrain is sung under the verses, but it's not required. This would probably work best with (primarily) strings accompaniment.
UPDATE: 05/12: Found a better set of recordings for Jesus, Your Spirit in Us, which include the verses and individual parts.
For Hail Mary: Gentle Woman, let's make sure to keep the waltz tempo moving , but also not rush it (the recording is about right). We'll also need to be careful of the transitions between each verse and refrain (treated like fermatas). And since there aren't any written parts, feel free to add some in :-).
Much the same goes for One Spirit, One Church -- besides keeping the tempo from dragging, we'll also need to watch cutoffs & the transition between refrain and verse.
UPDATE: 05/12: Since Saturday is Dcn. Jack's birthday, Father will make an announcement at the end of Mass, and we'll sing 'Happy Birthday'.
Masses for Ascension will be celebrated next Thurs., 05/18, at 9 AM & 7 PM. If you'd like to sing/play, I'll pass along the program for the 7 PM liturgy (as it stands, there's no music planned for 9 AM).
Sound system cleanup is confirmed for Thurs., 05/25, from 6-8 PM. Huge thanks to Joe, Tom, Maggie, Frank, Jake & Rich for volunteering!
Finally, Pentecost is the last Saturday in May, 05/27. We have a new piece for Communion, Holy Spirit, We're Calling You. I'll send the materials separately, but please start taking a look. We'll work on this during rehearsals. It might also make sense to meet a bit early on the 27th.
That's all for now. Happy Mother's Day, and have a great week!
Out: Ken
(All Mass Parts, with the exception of the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Remembrance, including the Gloria, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'C' (Save Us, Savior), Doxology & Lamb of God)
GC3 #604 - All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford)
Materials (**links removed**)
(no Sprinkling)
May Crowning (no music)
Glory to God:
Mass of Remembrance
Mass of Remembrance
Responsorial Ps (Frank):
SS #069 - Ps 69 - Let All the Earth (Angrisano/Tomaszek)
Materials (**links removed**)
Acclamation (Lisa):
SS #005 - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 7) (Canedo)
GC3 #752 - Jesus, Your Spirit in Us (English text) (Taize) [NEW]
Materials (**links removed**)
GC3 #889 - Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Landry)
Materials (**links removed**)
SS #132 - One Spirit, One Church (Keil)
Materials (**links removed**)
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