Good Friday & Easter Sunday
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Nice job last week! Despite the crazy weather and back-to-back rehearsals, Palm Sunday came together nicely. The harmonies on Were You There? sounded lovely. It was also fun pulling out classics such as The King of Glory & Jesus, the Lord, and new ones like At the Name of Jesus. Here's the audio (**link removed**).
Holy Week continues! Thanks so much for your time & work on these programs -- it's much appreciated and really helps make our liturgies special. If I don't see you, Happy Easter!
Good Friday (2 PM):
On Good Friday, let's plan to meet at 1 PM. We'll set up and briefly go through the program & logistics.
Given we have a fair amount of a capella music (and some changes to who's able to be here), we'll need 'all hands on deck' for voice parts. Please try to take a look at these before Friday.
We'll sing My God, My God, Were You There? & Behold the Cross the same as last week.
The Prayers of the Faithful will be cantored using a 'free-form' melody (see script), followed by a sung response by all ("Lord, hear our prayer"), and spoken prayer by Fr. Jozef. We'll do this six times.
UPDATE: 04/05: We'll be using a different set of Intercessions than originally posted (updated below). Since programs are already printed, we'll still use the format outlined above.
For the Solemn Procession, the Cross will be brought up the center isle, stopping at three points. At those times, Fr. Jozef will sing a capella "Behold, behold, the wood of the Cross, on which is hung our salvation"; all genuflect and respond "O come, let us adore" (the refrain from Behold the Wood).
We'll only sing Jesus, Remember Me if more time is needed for Veneration. Typically, this is slowly built up with different voice and/or instrumental parts. We'll review Friday.
The Lord's Prayer will be chanted using the traditional melody below. We should also check with Father on how the presider parts will be handled.
Calvary & Adoramus will be sung a capella back-to-back. A cue note will be needed for the transition (different keys). We'll also need to sort out Communion logistics -- perhaps we all go up first?
UPDATE: 04/06: Several folks will start Calvary, while everyone else goes up for Communion. Would anyone be interested in cantoring vs 1 (in Ken's absence)? If not, Barb can do it.
I believe we (more-or-less) covered everything else during rehearsals. If not, feel free to reach out!
Musicians: Barb P., Bev, Cris, Frank, Ginny, Jake, Judy, Lisa, Maggie, Melissa (tentative), Rich, Tom
Out: Ben, Joe, Ken
Who is That Man? (Besig)
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Opening Rite:
None (in silence)
Responsorial Ps (Barb P.):
SS #058 - Ps 22 - My God, My God (Smith)
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Gospel Acclamation (All):
GC3 #5111 - Were You There? (vs 1, 2 & 5) (Traditional)
(Sung before, during & after The Passion; 2nd verse not in GC)
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Intercessions (Cris & Frank):
Cantored (see script)
Solemn Procession:
GC3 #514 - Behold the Wood (Schutte) (Ref only; repeated x3)
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SS #172 - Behold the Cross (Hurd)
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GC3 #510 - Jesus, Remember Me (Berthier)
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The Lord's Prayer:
Chanted (GC3 #184)
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(no Mass Parts)
Communion Rite:
Old GC #419 - Calvary (Spiritual)
(Cantors: Ken, Maggie, Lisa/Ginny & Jake)
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GC3 #476 - Adoramus Te Christe (Haugen)
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None (in silence)
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Easter Sunday (8:30 AM):
Our 'dress rehearsal' for Easter Sunday will be this Saturday, 04/08, from 1-3 PM. We'll go through the entire program & logistics. Note that because of Vigil, there's no regular Saturday Mass that night.
Please take a look at voice parts before Saturday (especially All Shall Be Well / The Strife is O'er & He is Risen). We'll have a smaller group than Friday, and didn't get to many of these pieces last week.
Unlike past years, we don't have any preludes planned. If there's anything you'd like to do informally that requires very little prep, let me know ASAP. Otherwise, we won't worry about it.
There are no changes to Mass Parts, other than re-introducing the Gloria (please review) and singing a different Acclamation, Alleluia! Give the Glory (we haven't done this version in quite a few years).
For Wade in the Water, the cantor will sing the first refrain & solo parts on the verses. The choir will sing everything else. Since we don't strictly follow what's in the book, the melody is 'flexible'.
UPDATE: 04/07: Maggie will cantor the Wade in the Water verses and can help with the Alleluia.
For Resucito, let's keep this upbeat and lean into the Spanish feel as much as possible. We'll also sing a portion of the final refrain a capella (see recording).
We looked at Whom Do You Seek? briefly last week. If you're not familiar with this, I'd suggest checking out the recording (the music is missing many details). We'll go over the logistics on Saturday, but it's important that we keep up the tempo on the 'chant' verses to prevent dragging.
On Easter Sunday, please be at the Church by 7:30 AM (sorry, I realize that's early). That'll give us time to set up, get situated and spot-check music.
I think that's it! Let me know if you need anything else.
Musicians: Anne, Bev, Cris, Frank, Ginny, Jake, Jerry, Joe, Lisa, Maggie, Rich, Tom
Out: Ben, Ken (tentative), Tom
(Mass Parts are from Mass of Remembrance, including the Penitential Rite, Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'C' (Save Us, Savior), Doxology & Lamb of God)
SS #179 - He is Exalted (Paris)
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Glory to God:
Mass of Remembrance
Mass of Remembrance
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Responsorial Ps (Cris):
SS #082 - Ps 118 - This is the Day (all verses) (Fisher)
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Gospel Acclamation (Ginny):
SS #005 - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 6 7) (Canedo)
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Baptism Renewal:
We Believe (Walker)
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Sprinkling (Maggie):
GC3 #898 - Wade in the Water (Spiritual)
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All Shall Be Well (Foley) / GC3 #525 - The Strife is O’er (Traditional)
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GC3 #535 - Resucito (Arguello)
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Whom Do You Seek? (Killoren)
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He is Risen (Manalo)
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