Songs & Updates for Saturday, September 3, 2022

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Image Credit: YouTube

Thanks for another solid Mass last week! Pan de Vida is coming along nicely and the alternate accompaniments on a couple of songs helped to break things up a bit. Check out the audio here

Our September music & cantor schedule is ready to go. As always, please let me know of any Saturdays you're out. Bev is tied up on 09/24, so we'll especially need to be careful of that weekend.

There are a few 'classics' on the board this week that we haven't done in a while: Eye Has Not SeenOnly This I Want. I'm assuming we all know these well, but if not, they may be worth a look.

We've only sung the Psalm, Keep Me Safe, O God, once before. Please take a look if it's unfamiliar. 

It's been a couple of years since we've done O Taste and See. The verses all have different melodies, so please review these before Saturday. We should try to start singing this one fairly early, but there's a good chance we still won't get through all the verses. Harmonies would be nice if you know them :-). 

Finally, Father's Sending Forth, Take Up Your Cross, is new. The tune itself is an oldie, though, and should hopefully be familiar (think The Glory of These Forty Days).

We have a fair amount to cover on Saturday. Let's try to start as close to 4 PM as possible. And if I don't see you, have a happy Labor Day!

Out: Tom, Ken

(All Mass Parts are from Mass of Creation, including Gospel Acclamation, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'A', Doxology & Lamb of God)

GC3 #728 - Eye Has Not Seen
Materials (**links removed**)

(no Gloria)

Response (Cris):
SS #053 - Ps 16 - Keep Me Safe, O God
Materials (**links removed**)

Acclamation (Ben):
Mass of Creation

GC3 #782 - Only This I Want
Materials (**links removed**)

SS #159 (GC3 #917) - O Taste and See
Materials (**links removed**)

GC3 #801 - Take Up Your Cross [NEW]
Materials (**links removed**)

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