28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thanks to all who were able to attend last week! We were a small group, but no major issues. It was also nice to have another Sunday vocalist, Monica, join us. Father seemed to like the new Offertory song, All You Works of God, so we may see that one pop up again. Here's the audio.
Welcome back to 'regular' Ordinary Time! The cantor schedule for October can be found HERE. As always, this is completely flexible as circumstances/schedules change; just let me know.
Please take a look at this week's Psalm. As far as I know, we haven't done this one before.
It was mentioned recently that group singing doesn't always come through clearly or strongly while masked. The muffled sound is no surprise, but there are things we can do to mitigate it a bit. The biggest suggestion I've heard is to emphasize vowels, consonants, etc. much more than usual. Lighter masks and staying on the mics can help too. We can talk more about this if anyone's interested, but just wanted to share in case it's useful (and since masks will likely be a thing for a good while).
Finally, one idea for Christmas preludes is going the route of a capella, carol-style tunes, rather than a few larger pieces with full accompaniment. Might be a fun change in pace. Of course, it'll depend on how Christmas planning plays out and our numbers (or who we can recruit). Stay tuned.
That's all for now. Have a great week!
UPDATE: 10/08: Replaced sheet music with better/more current copies for Gathering & Offertory.
Out: Ginny
(All Mass Parts are from Mass of Creation, including Gloria, Alleluia, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation "A", Doxology & Lamb of God)
GC3 #848 - Gather Us In
Materials (**links removed**)
SS #087 - Ps 136 - God’s Love is Everlasting [NEW]
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SS #098 - Age to Age
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GC3 #783 - Unless a Grain of Wheat
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GC3 #798 - Two Fisherman
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