UPDATE: 08/12: We're beginning the process of moving back into the Sanctuary for Sundays Masses effective 09/06. As part of the preparations, all hymnals are being removed from the Sanctuary, as these would pose safety and liability concerns. Our choir books will be stored in the cabinet in order to keep them separate from the assembly editions.
Music will still be limited to an accompanist and cantor for now, with music included in the programs (cantors/instrumentalists are of course welcome to use whatever materials they need). This will help us meet Diocesan guidelines on music during COVID.
UPDATE: 08/27: A summary of our music plan for returning to the Sanctuary went out by email. Please check it out and let me know if any questions. Of note, due to the simplified Zoom setup, all songs will be cantored from the ambo. We're still not permitted to have a choir, but would like to add 'non-wind' instruments (guitar, bass, violin & percussion) to the mix. Finally, signups for musicians have been extended through October & additional instrumentalist slots added.
UPDATE: 08/31: If you'd be interested in attending Masses in the Sanctuary, the new Mass sign-up can be found HERE. Also, a reminder that Masses are being recorded and are available for later viewing on the Church website.
UPDATE: 09/01: Happy Birthday, Frances!
UPDATE: 09/01: I almost forgot that today marks the beginning of the Season of Creation, which runs through Oct. 4th. As is the case every year, Father will likely select some repeating songs with environmental themes. Here's a small collection of songs that either focus on the theme of Creation or reference it (may add more later).
UPDATE: 09/02: This Sunday's Zoom/In-Person Mass not only kicks off the Season of Creation, but will also bring another Confirmation candidate into the Church (this individual wasn't able to be confirmed at the Outdoor Mass last month). Again, this will be our first regular Mass back in the Sanctuary since March, so hope you can join us either via Zoom or in person!
UPDATE: 09/02: A second 1st Communion Mass will be held on 10/24 at 10 AM for six additional students. Same program as last time. Musicians are being organized.
UPDATE: 09/11: If anyone would like to check this out, SCCS is rebroadcasting our 10th Anniv. 09/11 Concert from 2011 (direct link to the video HERE), with photos from the 2016 15 Anniv. Concert.
UPDATE: 09/19: If anyone would like to check it out, here's the audio from last Sunday's (09/13) Zoom/In-Person Mass in the Sanctuary.
UPDATE: 09/26: Karina recently participated in a 453-person virtual band performance of Ticheli's 'Shenandoah'. If you'd like to check it out, the video can be found here.
UPDATE: 09/27: It was requested that we make a tweak to how we're approaching cantoring. See separate email for details, but essentially, cantors can now use the choir mics, rather than the ambo. This way, we won't have to constantly walk up and down the stairs and share a mic between multiple people. Also, if you'd be interested in singing or playing, let us know :-).
UPDATE: 10/03: Folks, an email just went out about virtual music possibilities for Christmas. I'm working on a 'virtual concert' idea using existing audio, photos & lyrics, but also wanted to see about the possibility of some kind of combined virtual choir. See email for details. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
UPDATE: 10/05: Happy Birthday, Sam! Have a good one :-)
UPDATE: 10/07: The audio from last Sunday's Mass for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Feast of St. Francis / Season of Creation can be found HERE. This was our last weekend for Season of Creation; music should mostly return to 'normal' until we hit Advent at the end of November.
UPDATE: 10/17: Happy belated birthday, Mary!
UPDATE: 10/19: Folks, just a quick update on the Christmas virtual choir idea: I was in touch with the other choirs about this and we're seeing if anyone else would be interested in participating. Once we have an idea of numbers, we can determine if this is something we want to do and if so, how to approach it. Thanks for the responses so far, and stay tuned!
UPDATE: 10/19: Instrumentalists: we're celebrating a second 1st Communion Mass this Saturday, 10/24, at 10 AM in the Sanctuary. Bev is playing piano and I'm cantoring. If anyone would like to join us, please let me know (as always, no pressure). We'll be rehearsing around 9:15 that morning. Program went out by email.
UPDATE: 10/22: I'm sorry to bring this up again, but just wanted to share the latest directive from the Diocese regarding David Haas' music. In short, the Diocese has directed that his music no longer be used in liturgical and non-liturgical settings.
UPDATE: 10/22: This year's Christmas Mass schedule just went out by email. Note there will only be two Masses, both in the Sanctuary using the same Zoom/In-Person format as Sunday liturgies.
UPDATE: 10/25: If you'd like to check it out, here's the audio from yesterday's (2nd) First Communion Mass. We had a little help with harmony from one of the 11 AM Choir folks in the congregation, which was nice to have for a change :-).
UPDATE: 10/30: Zoom Mass cantors & instrumentalists: for RCIA Rite of Dismissals starting in November, we'll be singing SS #211, 'Thy Word is a Lamp' (intro & refrain twice). This takes the place of Haas' 'A Lamp for Our Feet'.
UPDATE: 10/30: Mass for All Souls will be celebrated on Monday, 11/02, at 7 PM. If any instrumentalists would like to join us, rehearsal will be around 6:15. Thanks!
UPDATE: 11/01: Folks, just a reminder that Mass for All Souls is being celebrated tomorrow evening (Monday), 11/02, at 7 PM. We'll use the same Zoom & In-Person format as regular Sunday liturgies (Zoom link/credentials went out by Parish email). Bev & I are covering.
UPDATE: 11/03: If you'd like to check it out, here's the audio from yesterday's All Souls Mass. It was nice to have percussion and bass to compliment piano for this special liturgy.
UPDATE: 11/05: All, a more detailed plan for the Christmas Virtual Choir went out by email last night. This will also be shared with the other choirs probably today. Let me know by 11/08 if you'd be interested in joining. Thanks!
UPDATE: 11/10: For those participating in the Christmas virtual choir, practice materials and more planning details went out by email. Stay tuned for more info.
UPDATE: 11/14: Folks, I meant to mention this earlier, but today (Saturday) is Father's Birthday. Please wish him a Happy Birthday if you have a chance. We're also planning to sing at the end of Mass tomorrow. Thanks!
UPDATE: 11/16: A Parish email went out today regarding (among other things) the revised Christmas Mass schedule and new Zoom invite for regular Masses.
UPDATE: 11/19: We were made aware today of a change to DoH masking policies. For cantors, this means masks will need to be worn when signing everything but the psalm.
UPDATE: 11/19: Exciting news! Our virtual Christmas choir has been asked to participate in a Christmas show Tony DeGol/Proclaim! TV is producing in December.
UPDATE: 11/20: Folks, here's the audio from last Sunday's (11/15) liturgy for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
UPDATE: 11/26: Happy Thanksgiving!
It's hard to believe it's this time of year already, with Advent beginning on Sunday and Christmas right around the corner. I hope you have a chance to celebrate in some way and enjoy the day!
I'm thankful for the chance to work with such a talented and dedicated group of musicians. We may not be able to come together right now, but I really appreciate your support (virtual or otherwise) of our Parish and the Ministry during these COVID times. As Father likes to say, music is an integral part of liturgy. We have to approach it very differently (and carefully) these days, but it still means so much to have folks willing to play, cantor and just continue singing/supporting our efforts from the pews or at home. Be well and keep the faith!
Since Advent & Christmas are right around the corner, check out this new post for the latest updates.
Be well, and Keep the Faith!