Songs & Updates for Saturday, March 23, 2019 [updated]

3rd Sunday of Lent
Great work last week! We were largely at full-staff and everything seemed to balance quite nicely. There was some lovely harmony as well. Check out the recordings HERE.

I also wanted to pass along the compliments of some folks who approached me during this past Friday's Fish Dinner. They commented on how much they enjoy our music, especially the more upbeat selections. As always, thank you for your dedication to our Ministry -- people really do appreciate what we do, and it especially means a lot to me personally.

I've started the process of picking our music for April. This will likely include tentative programs for Good Friday and Easter Sunday (beyond preludes, not anticipating any major changes from last year). Palm Sunday is also coming up fast (04/13) and will immediately precede Holy Week. If possible, please plan to be around for this important liturgy. More details to come.

If you haven't already, just a reminder to send your contact info to Bev for the new new directory spreadsheet. A draft was circulated late last week.

We made a change to instrumentalist positioning in the front row. Maggie is now standing next to Jim and Bev, rather than among the singers. The hope is this will allow singers and instrumentalists to better hear and coordinate with each other. We can tweak this setup later if needed.

As far as the alternate tropes on the Lamb of God, it's sounding like the best way to approach this is to have a cantor sing the beginning of each verse (like what's done on Sundays). That way, there's less confusion over which trope is being used (keep in mind that we begin and end with "Lamb of God...").

Finally, could we meet after Mass to continue working on Lent/Easter music (~7-8 PM)? Besides I Will Rise and Who is That Man?, I'd also like to start working on Calvary, an a capella piece we traditionally do on Good Friday. If we have enough singers, there are some interesting possibilities we could experiment with (check out this recording).

Tom is out this week.

UPDATE: 03/21: Ginny and Lisa are also out.

UPDATE: 03/23: Lent/Easter practice after Mass is canceled. Too many folks out/unable to stick around. Let's regroup on 03/30.

GC3 #489 – Merciful God (Ref II - “Lent Gathering”) (vs 1-3)

Penitential Rite:
GC3 #494 –  Hold Us in Your Mercy

(no Gloria)

Response (Jim & Lisa):
SS #077 – Ps 103 – The Lord is Kind and Merciful
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Ben):
("Lent 3A" verse)
Mass of Remembrance

GC3 #486 – Deep Within
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Acclamation "C":
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance

Lamb of God:
(alternate tropes)
Mass of Remembrance

SS #166 – Worthy is the Lamb
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC3 #493 – Change Our Hearts

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