21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thanks for a solid Piano Mass last week! We ended up having several instrumentalists out, but everything overall came together nicely. Pieces such as Taste and See, How Can I Keep from Singing and I Danced in the Morning were highlights.The Memorial Mass for Deacon Bob was also a success, with a fairly large group of musicians coming out to join in the singing. The program was made up almost entirely of music written by Deacon Bob (even the Mass Setting). Since we haven't done many of these songs in a long time, keep an eye on the Repertoire section for recordings from this liturgy. Definitely some great tunes from a man who had such a huge impact on our Ministry.
I've begun picking the music for September, and am hoping to have it ready by early next week. The music for October should also be ready within the next few weeks (it's hard to believe that it's this late in the year already!). Stay tuned.
Materials for Look Beyond went out last Saturday. Please look at the harmonies/descants on the refrain and verses -- these weren't included in the old GC version, but are part of the 'classic' arrangement. It would be great to include them if we can.
Finally, I ended up rearranging a few songs on our program for this weekend. The Summons has been moved to Gathering, Now We Remain to Offertory and I Will Choose Christ to Closing. None of the music has changed, but the new order makes a bit more sense in terms of song placement. Let me know if any questions.
We should be at full staff this week. Looking ahead, Jim will be out on 09/01 and 09/08.
UPDATE: 08/25: Ken, Ginny and Jim are out.
Look Beyond (Darryl Ducote)
SS #137 – The Summons
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Glory to God:
Mass of Creation
Response (Cris & Lisa):
GC3 #045 – Ps 34 – Taste and See
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Gospel Acclamation (Ginny):
Mass of Creation
SS #158 – Now We Remain
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation
Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation
GC3 #920 – Pan de Vida
SS #119 – I Will Choose Christ
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
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