Songs & Updates for Saturday, June 10, 2017

This Saturday is Trinity Sunday.
Mass last week was one of our strongest in a while. I especially liked how well Spirit Blowing Through Creation turned out (here and here).

Special thanks to Tom's daughter Rachel for joining us on vocals. Huge thanks as well to Eva and Joe for averting a crisis with the sound system. For those who didn't hear, when I went to turn everything on, the entire rack was completely dead. It turns out that the wall outlet is fried, so they had to run an extension cord to get everything back online. Father is aware of the issue.

We didn't get any hits at Time and Talent, but that was to be expected, especially with a pretty light crowd and a fair number of visitors. Word-of-mouth, personal invitations and exposure are powerful recruiting tools, though, so let's keep this going throughout the year.

This still needs to be confirmed, but we may be switching back to Mass of Creation on 06/24 for Ordinary Time. We have booklets for this setting, and it's also in the new Gather (page #192). Resources are up on the website as well.

Tom took the liberty of creating a Facebook group for us. If you do social media and haven't already been invited to join, it can be found here.

Our Offertory song, The Play of the Godhead, is new. Unlike our new song from last week, I don't believe any of the groups have done it before (this was Father's pick). Please take some time to look at this, and if you're available, let's plan to meet again at 4 PM to go through it.

Eva and (tentatively) Ginny are out this week.

UPDATE: 06/07: Joe is also among the missing this week.

UPDATE: 06/07: from Barb: "Update on the power situation... Jeff Sowash discovered someone had turned the breaker off on the panel in the closet. Perhaps a worker did that by accident... he doesn't know. But the breaker is back on now, which solves the problem."

UPDATE: 06/09: Tim had something come up and won't be able to make it either. Jonathan is available to cover.

SS #179 – He is Exalted
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Glory to God:
Storrington Mass

GC3 #092 – Ps 145 – I Will Praise Your Name
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
Storrington Mass

GC3 #695 - You Are Near
GC3 #564 – The Play of the Godhead [NEW]
Materials (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Storrington Mass

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Storrington Mass

Eucharistic Doxology:
Storrington Mass

Lamb of God:
Storrington Mass

SS #167 – We Come Today
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC3 #609 – You Are the Voice
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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