This Saturday is Corpus Christi, and the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

After mass, Jonathan, Lisa P. and I began reviewing Mass of Creation (Note we'll begin using this again next Saturday) and worked the songs for this week. These included forgotten favorites like 'Song of the Body of Christ', 'I Am the Bread of Life', and 'Lord, I Lift Your Name on High'. We also spent some time on learning the choir parts, wrapping up around 7:30.
For planning purposes, please let me know if you're going to be at mass this week. I think I'm going to make this a regular request for the duration of the summer, to avoid surprises like no one showing up :-)
Also, I'll be sending a separate email on this when I have a few more details, but if you'd be interested in singing some choral pieces at the Parish Picnic and are able to attend one or two extra rehearsals, please let Jonathan know. Also, just a quick note that the Picnic will be on July 20th, not the 14th as listed in my email (not sure where I got the 14th from...).
- They are doing a photo album theme for the parish picnic, drawn mostly out of photo albums that are in the church (the trope of the night was "in a box somewhere").
- We spent a fair amount of time batting around musical ideas. Father Charlie is going to make the final plan for the service, but we plan to do a taize tune and a choral anthem that were certain to be part of the service and we're going to get them into the rotation at masses so people get to know them.
- That's the meat of the stuff we decided, and I'll double check what the titles of the pieces were. One of them was a special one out of the Taize book and another one was in the 500's in the green book. We'll probably start working them in next week. (courtesy of Jonathan)
Jim is out for the next several weeks at least. Ginny is out this week and next.
There will be practice after mass this week from 7-8 PM.
Here are the songs for this Saturday:
SS 131 - Song of the Body of Christ
Glory to God:
Mass of Remembrance
(note: this has not been listed in the program for several weeks, but Father has been doing it anyway)
Response (Lisa P. and Lisa K. Karina & Grace):
SS 62 - Taste & See (Psalm 34)
Gospel Acclamation (Karina & Grace):
Mass of Remembrance
GC 394 - Change Our Hearts
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance
Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance
SS 153 - I Am the Bread of Life
SS 189 - Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
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