This Saturday is the Fourth (and final) Sunday of Advent.
Since we weren't at mass, I really don't have much in the way of updates, just a few event reminders.
The folks from the 11:00 mass are covering the Community Penance Service this Tuesday, 12/17, at 7 PM. Several of their core group members are out, so feel free to join them in singing.
In addition, the Christmas Tree Decorating Party (also coordinated by the 11:00 group) is being held this Saturday (12/21) at 10 AM. This is a very informal event in which we play/sing Christmas music while the kids decorate the tree. Karina and I are planning to be there, so feel free join in the fun as well.
Practice last week was canceled due to the weather, but luckily, we're in a pretty good place as it stands now. We will be rehearsing this week (Jim: are you still good with bringing dinner), as it'll be our final run-through before mass on Christmas Eve (no time to rehearse that day). Please stick around if you can.
Finally, is anyone up to taking on the Alleluia, Psalm, or 'Bring Forth' cantor parts?
Here are the songs for this Saturday:
GC 333 - O Come, Divine Messiah (sung in parts)
Penitential Rite (Father Charlie):
Psalm (need cantor):
GC 328 - My Soul In Stillness Waits (vs 1 & 6)
Alleluia (need cantor):
GC 317 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (perhaps a capella?)
'Mary, Did You Know?' (Duet - Karina & Jonathan)
(originally 'The Angel Gabriel', sung in parts)
GC 325 - Like a Shepherd
GC 658 - Bring Forth the Kingdom
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