Songs & Updates for Saturday, April 6, 2024 [updated]

2nd Sunday of Easter
Image Source: YouTube

Happy Easter and here's to a great Holy Week!

A huge thanks to all who were able to sing/play! Good Friday was probably our strongest to date and Easter Sunday was a fun liturgy as always :-). There were so many positive comments afterward. It was also wonderful joining forces with Barb P. and some other Sunday folks (Jeff, Melissa, Judy, Rich, Anne, Jerry & Jen) to pull these off. It's definitely something we should do more of in the future. 

If interested, here's the audio from all four liturgies (except Sun. 10:30). These will (probably) be shared with the Sunday folks as well: (**links removed**)

Our music selections & cantor schedule for the first three Saturdays in April is ready! A few notes:
  • We're back to singing the Gloria & Alleluia! Give the Glory. I believe the Gloria will also serve as our Sprinkling Rite (which was done last year). There's no Penitential Rite.
  • We'll be singing different arrangements of Psalm 118 throughout the month.
  • I'm likely out next week, 04/13; please let me know if you're also unavailable so we can plan
  • Good Shepherd Sunday is on 04/20; we'll sing several shepherd-themed songs that night. 
  • First Communion will be celebrated during 5:00 Mass on 04/27. Amy & I need to meet about music, so stay tuned for an updated plan. Sunday musicians will be invited to join us. 
UPDATE: 04/04: For the Gloria/Sprinkling, we'll use the same 'Rite of Sprinkling' from last year. For each response, we'll go straight in, with just a chord for the intro. 

Since Holy Week is over, we're back to our regular 4:00 rehearsal schedule (possibly with the exception of 04/27). If there's anything you'd like to look at, though, feel free to come early -- I'm usually there by 3:30 PM to set up/prep. 

Special thanks to Joe for fixing/replacing the hand screws on our music stands! All of these should now be working (please be gentle when tightening/adjusting!). The mics have also been adjusted so that they'll be much closer to you when using the stands (Father mentioned that announcements, etc. are sometimes hard to hear). 

At the end of Mass, I'll be giving a brief testimonial on Stewardship and how/why I volunteer. The goal of these Stewardship talks is to promote Time, Talent & Treasure across the Parish. Hopefully it'll shed some light on various ministries (like ours!) and help recruit new volunteers. If anyone does come by afterward with questions, please assist if you can!

Finally, due to a 7:00 PM commitment, I probably won't be able to stick around too long after Mass. If anyone would be willing to help with cleanup, that would be appreciated.

Stay dry and have a restful week!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Remembrance, including the Gloria, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (Save Us, Savior), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: Frank, Luca, Jake

GC3 #537 - Easter Alleluia (vs 1-3) (Haugen)
Materials (**links removed**)

(no Penitential)

(Glory to God/Sprinkling -- see script)

Responsorial Ps (Cris):
SS #081 - Ps 118 - Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad (Tomaszek)
Materials (**links removed**)

**Different arrangement from last week; please review if unfamiliar!**

Acclamation (Ben):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 6 or 7) (Canedo)

SS #135 - River of Glory (Schutte)
Materials (**links removed**)

(Mass Parts)

GC3 #535 - Resucitó (Arguello)
Materials (**links removed**)

Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]

GC3 #537 - Easter Alleluia (vs 4-6) (Haugen)

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