Songs & Updates for Saturday, January 13, 2024 [updated]

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Image Credit: YouTube

I hope everyone had a fun and safe 'snow day' last Saturday! It was our first real snow storm of the season, so we ended up canceling Music Ministry activities (with Fr. Jozef & Dcn. Jack's blessing, of course!). Hopefully back to normal this week!

Welcome back to Ordinary Time (and welcome back Frank)!

Some of you may know that tomorrow, January 10th, marks a year since Fr. Jozef became Pastor at Good Shepherd. Congrats, Fr. Jozef! He's taking a much-deserved vacation, so please anticipate a visiting priest this weekend. Father will be back on January 20th. 

Barb P., Joanne and I have kicked off Lent planning! We'll be switching to Mass of Remembrance, as well as Hold Us In Your Mercy for the Penitential Rite. We'll also have to take a break from Alleluia! Give the Glory, as there's no regular Gospel Acclamation during Lent. As it stands, we're not planning any common or 'theme' songs. Lent begins on Feb. 14th with Ash Wednesday. More to come! 

A reminder that we're going to try starting rehearsals with a brief prayer & warm-ups. If we could be ready to go at 4:00, that would help! I have a small book of 'choir prayers' that we could start with. 

For Jesus, Your Spirit in Us, the verses will be sung by a cantor, with everyone else on the ostinato refrain. I'll plan to sing the verses unless anyone else is interested. We've lost some instrumentalists since last time, so parts would really help to fill this out! Check out the recordings for how it flows. 

It would be nice to include the descant on One Bread, One Body, as well as some of the lower parts on the verses. We may want to have someone stay behind to start the singing too. 

Don't forget that we normally add clapping on the final refrain of Go Make a Difference, as well as modify the Coda (add a fermata to the last 'difference' and slow down 'in the world'). 

Looking ahead, Bev is out next Saturday, January 20th, so we're sorting out guitar/piano coverage. If needed, we can look at tweaking the music plan. Stay tuned!

Have a great week and see you Saturday!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including the Gloria, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'A' (We Proclaim Your Death), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: Luca, Jake (sick)

GC3 #604 - All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford)
Materials (**links removed**)

Responsorial Ps (Jake Cris):
GC3 #49 - Ps 40 - Here I Am (Cooney)
Materials (**links removed**)

Acclamation (Frank):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)

GC3 #752 - Jesus, Your Spirit in Us (Taize)
Materials (**links removed**)
Parts (**links removed**)

GC3 #932 (SS #161) - One Bread, One Body (Foley)
Materials (**links removed**)

Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]

SS #113 (GC3 #775) - Go Make a Difference (Angrisano/Tomaszek)
Materials (**links removed**)

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