Songs & Updates for Saturday, October 21, 2023 [updated]

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Thanks to everyone who came out last week! It was wonderful having Luca with us on flute (he'll be back for some other liturgies in the coming weeks -- depending on his schedule); Anthem also came together pretty well for a first run. Here's the audio.

If you're not already aware, I'm sad to share that Ken is leaving the Parish (see his email for the details). Ken has been such an integral part of our core vocal group for many years, and will truly be missed. A huge thanks for everything and here's to wishing him the best!

Since we've lost several instrumentalists & singers recently, we're probably going to be 'all hands on deck' for a little while. I've already emailed some of you about specific needs, and have feelers out to others who may be able to help. I'm also still open to any & all ideas for pulling in new musicians :-).

A reminder that the Fall Festival is this Saturday from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. This is a great fundraising event for the Parish, with various vendors, food options & kids activities available. I'm not sure if anyone signed up to sing/play, but there could be live music too :-). Get with Ginny for the details!

As it gets darker in the evenings, we have a few music stand lights available in the choir cabinet. You're more than welcome to use these! I can take care of replacing batteries if needed. 

For Let All the Earth, please make sure you're familiar with the refrain. This is a version of Psalm 66 that (I don't believe) we've sung before. Lisa, Jake & I are looking at splitting out the parts. 

Please take a look at Bambelela if it's unfamiliar. If anyone's interested in serving as the cantor/leader, let me know (happy to do it, but you all have first dibs :-). We'll start with the South African text and transition to English later (like the recording -- but more condensed). Harmony would be great!

For 11/04, Frank may be bringing in a pianist friend to help with coverage. This person might sit in on Saturday to get an idea of how things flow, and we'll take it from there. More to come!

Finally, our music for November has been drafted and should be ready soon. I also have the beginnings of a December music plan put together (pending details on Advent/Christmas). We'll kick off rehearsals in the next week or so, focusing on Christmas preludes and regular Mass music.   

Thanks as always for everything you do, and have a great week!

(All Mass Parts, except the Gospel Acclamation, are from Mass of Creation, including the Gloria, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation 'B' (When We Eat This Bread), Doxology & Lamb of God)

Out: Ginny

GC3 #604 - All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford)
Materials (**links removed**)

Responsorial Ps (Cris, Ken Jake & Lisa):
GC3 #059 - Ps 66 - Let All the Earth (Haugen) [NEW]
Materials (**links removed**)
Parts (**links removed**)

Acclamation (Cris):
SS #005 (GC3 #844) - Alleluia! Give the Glory (vs 3 or 4) (Canedo)

GC3 #755 - Bambelela / Never Give Up (South African)
Materials (**links removed**)

SS #157 - Bread for the World (Farrell)
Materials (**links removed**)

Song of Farewell (Schutte) [if needed]

GC3 #761 - God Has Chosen Me (Farrell)
Materials (**links removed**)

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