5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Image Credit: www.biblethroughseasons.com |
Good work last week! Our small group sounded nice and things were together & fairly well-balanced. Come to Me, O Weary Traveler was especially a highlight. Here's the audio.
Our music for February is ready to go. Nothing new planned, but there are a few pieces that were (re-)introduced recently. As usual, I'd anticipate at least some new Gathering/Sending songs.
The cantor schedule is also ready to go. Again, this is completely flexible and we can tweak as needed.
If you're not familiar with the Gathering song, please take a look. It's not one we normally do. Also, for Sending, let's take this at a much faster tempo than we have in the past.
Finally, Lent is only a month away (Ash Wednesday is on 03/02). Let me know if you have any thoughts on special music for Lent/Easter. No details on the season yet, but it would make sense for us to approach the logistics similarly to Christmas (and assuming the COVID situation allows).
UPDATE: 02/02: Our new Facilities Manager has been sorting out issues with the HVAC system. Depending on how things feel tonight, he can adjust if it's still not producing heat.
UPDATE: 02/04: The keyboard has been temporarily moved into the Sanctuary and is sitting behind the guitar mics. The piano's out-of-tune at the moment, so an outside group will be using the keyboard for rehearsals. The keyboard can be moved if it gets in the way.
That's all for now. Be well, and looking forward to having more of you back whenever you're ready!
(All Mass Parts are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Gloria, Alleluia, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation "B", Doxology & Lamb of God)
GC3 #567 - Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
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Response (Lisa):
SS #061 - Ps 27 - The Lord is My Light
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Gospel Acclamation (Cris):
Mass of Joy & Peace (Ordinary Time verses)
Mass of Joy & Peace (Ordinary Time verses)
SS #180 - Here I Am
Materials (**links removed**)
GC3 #781 (SS #162) - Lord, When You Came
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GC3 #798 - Two Fishermen
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