Songs & Updates for Saturday, January 15, 2022 [updated]

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Thanks for a solid Mass last week! We were a small group, but things seemed to balance fairly well. Here the audio (sorry, not quite complete due to a battery issue). 

Given current COVID concerns, it's probably wise to scale things back a bit and take some extra precautions. I'd request that everyone continue masking (especially while singing) and start spreading out when possible (mics have already been adjusted). 

Also, don't be afraid to take advantage of the sanitizer & masks the Church has available if needed. Bringing your own music is something to consider too if we want to avoid sharing materials.

With that said, if anyone would like to step back until things quiet down, absolutely no problem. Health & safety has to come first (and I realize these steps only help so much). Just keep us in the loop. 

As for this week's music, Gathering should hopefully be a familiar melody (the tune is SALZBURG). The new Communion song is planned for this week & next (stick with English-only text & there are parts available if interested). Finally, Father's Closing song appears to be new, but could be a fun one. 

That's all for now. Be well and stay warm!

Out: Ginny (tentative), Tom, Ken (tentative)

(All Mass Parts are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Gloria, Alleluia, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation "B", Doxology & Lamb of God)

GC3 #459 - Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (vs 1 & 2)
Materials (**links removed**)

Response (Cris):
GC3 #604 - All the Ends of the Earth (Ps 98)
Materials (**links removed**)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace (Ordinary Time verses)

(Note: Response to Intercessions back to 'If you believe and I believe...')

GC3 #834 - We Are Many Parts
Materials (**links removed**)

SS #164 (GC3 #838) - Come to the Feast [NEW] (English-only text)
Materials (**links removed**)

GC3 #812 - A Place at the Table (vs 1, 3 & 5) [NEW]
Materials (**links removed**)

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