"You Can't Sell Me Christmas"
4th Sunday of Advent
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Thanks for another nice Advent liturgy (and for bearing with my doing double-duty as an IT person :-). Everything sounded good and preludes are coming together. Here's the audio.
I didn't have a chance to put together a cantor schedule this month. At this point, let's go week-by-week and get back to normal in January.
There have been some discussions about keeping the vocal mics, versus reinstalling the ambient ones. My recommendation was to keep them if practical, as they seem to work well for us (stay tuned). We now have a working piano mic too (the silver one that was used in the past), replacing the bad pickup.
No new music this week. We may want to look at doing People, Look East a capella, though (or at least part of it). We've played with this before, but it's been a while.
As for Christmas planning, there will not be a Children's Choir (but could still be Children's Liturgy elements). Once the program is finalized (draft here), we can update binders with those materials.
A reminder that our last 3 PM rehearsal is this Saturday. It would be great to nail down any trouble spots with preludes. Looking at other Mass music is a possibility too.
Finally, Christmas dress rehearsal is on for Thursday, 12/23, from 6-8 PM (we have 5:30-8:30 blocked on the Church calendar). Please attend if you're planning to sing/play.
Have a great week and see you Saturday!
(All Mass Parts are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Alleluia, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation "B", Doxology & Lamb of God)
Violin/Mandolin Advent Medley (Maggie & Tom)
GC3 #419 - Each Winter As the Year Grows Older
Wreath Candle Lighting:
GC3 #395 - O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Response (Maggie):
SS #071 - Ps 85 - Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness
Materials (**links removed**)
Acclamation (Ken):
Mass of Joy & Peace
Mass of Joy & Peace
GC3 #666 - O Lord, Hear My Prayer (x2)
GC3 #622 - Canticle of the Turning
Materials (**links removed**)
GC3 #415 - My Soul in Stillness Waits
Materials (**links removed**)
GC3 #409 - People, Look East
Materials (**links removed**)
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