Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 4, 2021 [updated]

"You Can't Sell Me Christmas"
2nd Sunday of Advent

Here's to a great start to the Advent season! There was quite a bit to cover in a short amount of time, but we did it :-). The harmonies sounded nice and we also had a chance to get into Christmas preludes afterward. Here's the audio.

Our December music is ready (except for Christmas, which is still very much a draft). Stay tuned for the cantor schedule. 

Our mic setup Saturday will be a bit different. Due to a concert Friday, the two front row ambient mics have been temporarily replaced with four vocal mics. This could work to our advantage, given how we normally use these. Let's test beforehand to make sure things balance.

UPDATE: 12/01: From a quick meeting tonight, the mics are from the Hall. Sensitivity shouldn't be an issue. We may even consider leaving these in place since the regular ambient mics aren't very effective.

Maggie & Bev are organizing an Advent prelude this week, an arrangement of Besançon Carol (aka People, Look East). A violin/mandolin medley of Advent tunes is also planned for next week, 12/11. 

Father asked if we could sing Gift of God (probably new) for Preparation. It's a very simple Haugen piece, but the way it's written out is a bit confusing. In short, the Advent verses will be sung in the same cantor/response format as the Christmas ones (they just didn't include the response parts). 

Please review how Prepare! Prepare! flows. We'll use the same arrangement as last time, with cantors singing the opening refrain & back-to-back verses. Everyone else will be on the ostinato refrain.

Finally, we've added a third Christmas prelude to the mix, Haugen's Arise, Shine!. See email for details. If we could stay again after Mass to keep working the preludes, that would be great.

UPDATE: 12/01: It was suggested that we consider meeting before regular rehearsal/Mass (perhaps around 3 PM) to look at preludes, rather than after. Stay tuned for a final call.

That's all for now. Have a great week!

(All Mass Parts are from Mass of Joy & Peace, including Alleluia, Holy, Eucharistic Acclamation "B", Doxology & Lamb of God)

Besançon Carol (Moore) - Bev & Maggie

GC3 #419 Each Winter As the Year Grows Older

Response (Lisa):
SS #069 - Ps 66 - Let All the Earth
Materials (**links removed**)

Gospel Acclamation (Cris):
Mass of Joy & Peace (Advent Verse 1 or 2)

Response to Intercessions:
GC3 #666 - O Lord, Hear My Prayer (x2)

GC3 #422 - Gift of God (Advent Ref/Verses) [NEW]
Materials (**links removed**)

SS #157 - Bread for the World
Materials (**links removed**)

GC3 #398 - Prepare! Prepare!
Materials (**links removed**)

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