1st Sunday of Lent
“Cleanse me; Heal me; Create in me the heart that you want”
Thanks for a solid piano/guitar/percussion Mass last week! With most everyone on mics, there were some minor issues with staying together, but the program still turned out pretty well. Since we had a number of folks out, Lent rehearsal was also canceled. Audio can be found HERE.“Cleanse me; Heal me; Create in me the heart that you want”
Welcome to Lent! As we prepare for Easter, I hope everyone has a chance to really take advantage of this important season and celebrate it well.
Our music for March (HERE) has been sent to the Office for approval. The cantor schedule (HERE) is also ready to go. Will let you know of any changes.
Masses for Ash Wednesday will be held tomorrow, 02/26, at 9 AM and 7 PM (program HERE), with an ashes service at noon. Please come join in the singing/playing if you're able (musicians are needed).
Let's welcome back Chris W. on piano! He'll be covering for Bev and Jim this Saturday. Maggie's on violin. We have a lot to go through, so please be on time for 4:30 practice.
This will be our first week of singing Talbot's Create In Me A Clean Heart for Gathering. If you haven't looked at this yet, materials can be found HERE. My thought is to repeat it multiple times, singing melody once or twice before adding parts (remember, this is a capella).
Also, don't forget to review Mass of Remembrance. Let's plan to run through this Setting during practice. We'll sing the 'Lent 1' verse for the Lenten Gospel Acclamation and Save Us, Savior for the Eucharistic Acclamation.
As far as Now We Remain, we've traditionally sung this out of SS, but the GC version has more material to work with. The arrangements are mostly compatible, so feel free to use whichever is better for you.
Finally, we have a Lent rehearsal scheduled for after Mass. Given all that's going on, I'd like to push this back to next weekend, 02/07 (revised schedule HERE). Let me know if that doesn't work.
Bev and Jim are out this week.
See you Saturday!
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Talbot)
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Penitential Rite:
GC3 #494 – Hold Us in Your Mercy
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
(no Gloria)
Response (Lisa & Cris):
GC3 #051 – Ps 51 – Be Merciful, O Lord
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Ken):
Mass of Remembrance ('Lent 1' Verse)
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
RCIA Rite of Sending:
(see separate booklet)
RCIA Rite of Dismissal:
A Lamp for Our Feet - Haas
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
GC3 #468 – Dust and Ashes
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Eucharistic Acclamation "C":
Mass of Remembrance
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance (alt. tropes)
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
GC3 #785 (SS #158) – Now We Remain
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
SS #101 – Beyond the Days
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
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