13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Good work last week! The transition between Mass Settings seemed to go well and the rest of the program came together nicely. Recordings HERE.Welcome back to Ordinary Time! I'm in the process of picking music for July, and should have it ready in the next week or so. The same goes for the cantor schedule. Given it's officially Summer, I'm scaling back a bit on more complex music until things start to normalize again in the Fall. The resources we use for picking music are also changing, so not sure if/how that will affect selections in the future.
For 4th of July weekend, I'd like to sing God Bless America as a Postlude. Given our limited time frame and available musicians that weekend, this will very likely be a simple unison arrangement. Music will be available later in the week. Stay tuned.
It was recently brought to my attention that we haven't gotten together for an after-Mass dinner in quite a while (the last time we did this was in mid-February). I realize it's a busy time of year, but if folks would be interested, how does 07/27 look? We could do our usual pot luck or try something new/different. Let me know your thoughts.
Ken and Maggie are out this week and next; Ginny is tentatively out this week.
SS #107 – Lead Me, Lord
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Penitential Rite:
Mass of Creation
Glory to God:
Mass of Creation
Response (Cris):
GC3 #030 – Ps 16 – You Will Show Me the Path of Life (Ref III)
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Gospel Acclamation (Ben):
Mass of Creation
SS #152 – Here I Am, Lord
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Acclamation "B":
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation
Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation
GC3 #939 – Behold the Lamb
SS #119 – I Will Choose Christ
Materials (audio) (sheet music)
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