Welcome to our new homepage!

Hello All!

Launching a new website has been on my projects list for over a year now. Our old site has served us well since 2013, but its basic template with limited customization options was beginning to cause problems.

As you may recall, our original homepage was a 'quick and dirty' central repository solution, and was built with function, rather than aesthetics, is mind. The new site utilizes a modern Blogger template that should be more flexible and less text-heavy. This is actually my second attempt at building a new page -- for several months, I experimented with a different (but similar) template. Ultimately, there were problems with the behavior of the sidebar, and I scrapped the design last week in favor of the one you see now. The site came together rather quickly after that.

All of the old site's functionality has been carried over, and in places, improved. For example, the Repertoire page has been completely redesigned. Rather than links to individual files for each song, clicking on a song title will open a cloud folder containing all available materials. This makes the page much cleaner and easier to administer on the back-end. It also eliminates the need to constantly update links on the page.

Keep in mind as well that this is a brand-new webpage, not a total redesign of the original. The old site will remain online indefinitely at www.gsc-mass-appeal.blogspot.com, while the new site can be found at www.saturdaymassgroup.blogspot.com.

I hope you like our new Web home! Please feel free to poke around, and let me know if you see any issues. As with any new site, there are probably a few bugs -- I'll address these as we come across them.

Crispolo Bloom
Director | 5:30 Music Ministry
Good Shepherd Catholic Church