This Saturday is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
We had a full crew last week, including 'guest members' Luke and Dawn, and Lisa L. Also, please welcome to the group Joe P., who is joining us on soprano saxophone :-)
After mass, Jonathan, Jim, Maggie, Lisa K., Lisa P., Ginny, and I stuck around to practice. As a stopgap measure until we finish selections for the rest of the month, we picked songs for this Saturday based on a list of possibilities I compiled (approved by Father 9/16/2014).
Of note, our new 'common' Communion song will be 'Pan de Vida' (per Maggie's suggestion). This will take us in a totally different direction than we were going with 'We Are One Body'. I'm working on arranging this piece to eliminate the Spanish text as well as create a version long enough to be sustained over Communion. One possibility is to combine this song with 'Lord, When You Came', which has a similar melody and feel, but a different tempo.
Also, our Gathering and Closing song will be 'Canticle of the Turning', a piece I 'borrowed' from 11:00 mass. The rendition below is a popular, highly-stylized Irish version, so we should be able to have some fun with this one.
Finally, on Tuesday, I retrieved the key for the cabinet for 5:30. If anyone needs in, let me know and I can unlock it.
George and Ginny are out this week.
Thee will be practice after mass from 7-8 PM.
Here are the songs for Saturday:
GC 556 - Canticle of the Turning (vs 1-2)
Glory to God:
Mass of Creation
Response (Maggie):
SS 91 - I Will Lift Up Your Name (Psalm 145)
Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
GC 881 - Remember Your Love
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation
Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation
GC 848 - Pan de Vida
GC 556 - Canticle of the Turning (vs 3-4)
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