Welcome back to Ordinary Time! This Saturday is Trinity Sunday.
Last week went very well. We were a bit light on singers, but had a very strong instrument section (the exact opposite of what happened the week before). We were able to pull off a pretty good rendition of 'Veni Sancte' (although we didn't exactly follow the original plan) and had some fun with 'Holy Spirit'. Father also put in a good word for us during his homily about Time & Talent.
The sound system was (nearly) fully operational with the exception of one of the guitar mics. The sound mixer had to be plugged in and turned on, and there was also some feedback through the main speakers. The system still isn't balanced properly, though, since some of us are having trouble hearing others.
After mass was Time & Talent in the new Parish Hall, complete with cake and other sweets. Next year, we should consider setting up a table -- it would be good publicly for the group and an excellent chance to answer questions for people.
By the time we were done in the Hall and had dinner, it was close to 8:00, so we had an abbreviated practice. Lisa K. and I worked on the Psalm, 'I Will Praise Your Name'. As a group, we worked the choir parts for 'Shepherd of My Heart' and 'Eat This Bread'. All of those were sounding quite good by the time we were done.
A note on summer practices: after discussing this last week, we'll be operating on a summer rehearsal schedule starting this week. We'll still practice before mass as always, but will cut back after-mass rehearsals to just an hour (7-8 PM). This will allow us to work on critical pieces for the following week, while giving those of you with summer commitments/activities more flexibility. Plus, we can always stick around longer if need be since the building isn't locked up until 9 PM.
We're also suspending the dinner rotation in favor of light snacks/finger food.
This will all be in affect until the beginning of August or possibly September.
Karina is out this week for a party. Jim will be out for at least a month due to his hiking accident injuries.
There will be practice from 7-8 PM this week. Again, if anyone's up for bringing light snacks, feel free.
UPDATE: I've added in the choir parts for 'Shepherd of My Heart' and 'Eat This Bread' below for those of you who want to look them over.
Here are the songs for this Saturday:
SS 179 - He is Exalted
Glory to God:
Mass of Remembrance
Response (Cris & Lisa K.):
GC 137 - I Will Praise Your Name (Psalm 145)
Gospel Acclamation (Cris & Lisa K.):
Mass of Remembrance
GC 641 - Shepherd of My Heart
Refrain Choir Parts: (soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)
(soprano & alto) (soprano, alto & tenor)
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance
Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance
GC 838 - Eat This Bread
Refrain Choir Parts: (soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)
Verses: (verse 1) (verse 2) (verse 3) (verse 4) (verse 5)
GC 617 - Blest Be the Lord
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